Electronics Forum: ag05 (2)

RoHS solders and silver termination inks

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 12:49:59 EDT 2005 | Ted

Slaine, We use a Pd/Ag thickfilm paste. Because of the leaching we had to start using solder pastes that have silver in it. For RoHS, we are using a solder paste with an alloy of Sn95/Ag05. We also have to double print the thickfilm pastes. I h

Re: SMD mounting method

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 09:22:25 EST 1999 | Dave F

| | | Joni: What is it about your situation with the board/component/process that makes you want to explore alternatives? Dave F | | Dave: In our case the component is placed on metalled footprint which has via holes to transfer the heat via hole

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