Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 15:26:05 EDT 2008 | joeherz
Interesting - We're using the same AIM products as you. On the lead free, 353, did you start out with it or did you try the WS485? That was the 1st product recommendation we got from AIM and we found that the lot to lot consistency was not good. T
Electronics Forum | Tue May 06 11:56:56 EDT 2008 | joeherz
We have a board that uses 0402x4 RNET packages that we are having a difficult time getting to solder consistently. Paste deposition is fine (using AIM WS353) and profile is dead-nuts. I'm starting to wonder if this is something that we're just goin
GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/GPD-Global-CMRT-2021.xlsx
: addition of the known smelter list, addition of declaration scope including product tab, and added and modified multiple questions and / or their responses. New