Electronics Forum: aimterge (3)

cleaning NO clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 13:35:28 EDT 2002 | jersbo

Thanks to everyone who posted! I did get the boards clean and it worked well I used AIMTERGE 520A about 5% in HOT water.. I soaked for 10 minutes used a brush(handscrubber type)to loosen the residue. For the fine pitch I used a fine bristled small

White residues

Electronics Forum | Mon May 26 11:02:17 EDT 2008 | jandon

Hi Mr. Necdet Ozyonum, Recently we did have same kind of problems when we use lead free reflow profile for leaded solder paste (AIM WS-483). There where solder resist lacks, we found white residue after aqueous cleaning. Not in the solder joints but

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