Electronics Forum: amistar mx40 (2)


Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 16 12:18:58 EST 2003 | Mike Hattton

We have a LasorPro 5530L with Matrix MX 40 tray carrier..Its a good machine..But our main concern is we have never run true 0402 components on it...Any help will be appreciated in the getting it there...

Re: Amistar PlacePro 7100

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 11:57:33 EDT 1999 | David Lynch

Drawing from my experience with Amistar's PlacePro 7100, here's a bit of additional info and comment on previous postings... - The 6-head PlacePro 7100 is an INCREDIBLE memory machine and is equally capable as a line balancer. As a fine-pitch placer

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