Industry Directory: atoz (1)

PB Swiss Tools (US Distributor)

Industry Directory | Manufacturer / Other

PB Swiss Tools offers a broad range of hand tools for industry professionals. 100% Made in Switzerland with an unlimited lifetime guarantee!

Electronics Forum: atoz (2)

Entry-Level PnP + BGA?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 13:42:11 EDT 2012 | spoiltforchoice

The Manncorp machines are Autotronik machines re-branded. These are Chinese built while pretending to be German, they are seemingly capable enough and do come in at very attractive price points. The FLX from Essemtec is in many ways a slicker machine

85K grant. How best to use?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 03:14:03 EDT 2016 | designhaus

Hello, We are about receive an 85.000 USD award grant towards purchasing manufacturing or testing equipment for our company. We are trying to figure out how to best use this grant. Here are short facts about us: We are a design house, so all our ma

Parts & Supplies: atoz (2)

DIMA SMCS-5000 (stick feeder)

DIMA SMCS-5000 (stick feeder)

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

We have 7 pcs Dima SMCS-5000 (stick feeder) in good condition Can be used on many machines: Dymaxion ATOZ PP-050 HP-090, HP-095, HP-100, HP-110 Modulo MP-100, MP-200 In case of interest please contac us for pricing.

TwenTech Production Equipment & ATE

DIMA SMCS feeders for sale

DIMA SMCS feeders for sale

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

we have many Dima feeders in stock: SMCS-4008 SMCS-4008-1 SMCS-4012 SMCS-4016 SMCS-4024 SMCS-4032 SMCS-4044 SMCS-5000 Can be used on many machines: Dymaxion ATOZ PP-050 HP-090, HP-095, HP-100, HP-110 Modulo MP-100, MP-200

TwenTech Production Equipment & ATE

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SMT feeders

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