3 austrailia results

Electronics Forum: austrailia (3)

MANEX ERP or DBA Manufacturing - any user comments?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 10:35:52 EDT 2007 | adlsmt

DBA tried to re-write thier software at least twice and failed. They ended up buying/partnering with EZ-Jobz from I think Austrailia. The new product and the old product are not the same at all in any way. Manex was originally based on FoxPro. We are

Re: Solder Paste Dispenser

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 16:45:55 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

Hello Ryan! There's a company called Camalot that sells dispensers that in my opinion, make one of the better dispensers on the market. They use what's called a rotary-positive displacement pump when dispensing... much more precise and accurate

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