Industry Directory: bonding with epoxy (11)

Master Bond

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Master Bond is a leading manufacturer of epoxy adhesives, sealants, coatings, potting and encapsulation compounds. Master Bond specializes in epoxies, silicones and uv curable polymer systems.

Vimic Electronic Corporation

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Vimic is expert in the design and manufacture of various types of fluid dispensing tools and a selection of Die Bonding Tools for customized applications. The offering includes Epoxy Stamping Tools, Pick-up Tools, Push up Needles.

New SMT Equipment: bonding with epoxy (61)

Quantum™ Q-6800 In-Line, Large-Format Fluid Dispensers

Quantum™ Q-6800 In-Line, Large-Format Fluid Dispensers

New Equipment | Dispensing

ASYMTEK Quantum Q-6800 High-Value Fluid Dispensing System. ASYMTEK Quantum Q-6800 Series. A high-value fluid dispensing solution for demanding applications. Large dispense area (423 x 458 mm) for varied substrate sizes Supports CSP, BGA, and boa

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Rigid-flex PCB, Rigid flex circuit board manufacturer, Flex rigid PCB -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Rigid-flex PCB, Rigid flex circuit board manufacturer, Flex rigid PCB -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

New Equipment | Fabrication Services

Rigid flex printed circuit boards (PCBs) are manufactured by combining rigid and flexible board technologies. These circuit boards are made up of multiple flexible circuit inner layers. An epoxy pre-preg bonding film is used to attach together these

Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Electronics Forum: bonding with epoxy (119)

Re: stencil epoxy debonding

Electronics Forum | Tue May 02 14:19:26 EDT 2000 | Bill Schreiber

There are two primary causes of epoxy adhesive bond failure, heat and over exposure to moisture. Ultrasonic cavitation is a only a mechanical "scrubbing" action on a microscopic level. However, if the adhesive bond is week or has small areas of det

Wire bonding on gold fingers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 17:38:24 EDT 2003 | jartman

I've faced this several times in the past, and the only real solution is to wirebond before SMT assembly. Everything leaves a residue, and trying to clean a residue off later is basically hopeless. This may require some trickery in your SMT process

Used SMT Equipment: bonding with epoxy (1)

Asymtek Millennium 600

Asymtek Millennium 600

Used SMT Equipment | Adhesive Dispensers

Asymtek Millennium 600 Epoxy Dispenser For Sale Vintage 1998  Integrated mass flow calibration system automatically compensates for changes in fluid viscosity Full temperature control of fluid delivery with closed-loop substrate heating to

Cardinal Circuit

Industry News: bonding with epoxy (162)

GPD Global's PCD Technology Is Proven Compatible with Silver-filled Electrical and Thermal Epoxies

Industry News | 2010-12-07 14:53:07.0

GPD Global announces that its Positive Cavity Displacement (PCD) technology is proven with silver-filled electrically and thermally conductive adhesives.

GPD Global

GPD Global's PCD Dispensing on Its MAX Series Platform Recognized with Two 2011 Global Technology Awards

Industry News | 2011-11-20 13:36:13.0

GPD Global has been awarded two Global Technology Awards in the categories of Adhesives/Coatings/Encapsulants and Dispensing Equipment for its PCD Dispensing on the MAX Series Platform

GPD Global

Parts & Supplies: bonding with epoxy (4)

Panasonic N510006423AA Panasonic MP Grease 2s with High Quality

Panasonic N510006423AA Panasonic MP Grease 2s with High Quality

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

NO. GREASE MODEL  PACKAGING 1 Three Bond 2706 Oil & Grease Removing Agent 420ML/PC  10PC/Carton 2 BIRAL T&D spary lubricant 500ML/PC  12PC/Carton 3 BIRAL VG-HT spary lubricant 500ML/PC  12PC/Carton 4 BIRAL BIO-30  high temperature chain oil 1000G

KingFei SMT Tech

Panasonic N990pana-027 80g Panasonic MP Grease with High Quality

Panasonic N990pana-027 80g Panasonic MP Grease with High Quality

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

NO. GREASE MODEL  PACKAGING 1 Three Bond 2706 Oil & Grease Removing Agent 420ML/PC  10PC/Carton 2 BIRAL T&D spary lubricant 500ML/PC  12PC/Carton 3 BIRAL VG-HT spary lubricant 500ML/PC  12PC/Carton 4 BIRAL BIO-30  high temperature chain oil 1000G

KingFei SMT Tech

Technical Library: bonding with epoxy (11)

Staking/Epoxy Adhesive Dispensing for Aerospace

Technical Library | 2023-08-16 18:48:50.0

One of our aerospace customers was looking to automate a few manual operations and asked for suggestions. This customer specializes in assemblies for inflight connectivity for commercial airlines and low orbit satellites. The dispensing process included the application of bonding to the sides of large and small components (4-axis) and the ability to cope with the changing viscosity during processing. The material used was EC-2216 B/A Two Part Epoxy and the largest board size was 12"x10"

GPD Global

Study on the Reliability of Sn–Bi Composite Solder Pastes with Thermosetting Epoxy under Thermal Cycling and Humidity Treatment

Technical Library | 2021-08-25 16:28:36.0

In this study, a Sn–Bi composite solder paste with thermosetting epoxy (TSEP Sn–Bi) was prepared by mixing Sn–Bi solder powder, flux, and epoxy system. The melting characteristics of the Sn–Bi solder alloy and the curing reaction of the epoxy system were measured by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). A reflow profile was optimized based on the Sn–Bi reflow profile, and the Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP) Cu pad mounted 0603 chip resistor was chosen to reflow soldering and to prepare samples of the corresponding joint. The high temperature and humidity reliability of the solder joints at 85 #14;C/85% RH (Relative Humidity) for 1000 h and the thermal cycle reliability of the solder joints from

Nanjing University

Videos: bonding with epoxy (21)

Dam and Fill with dual valves. Dual valves on a single platform. One valve dispenses the dam, a second valve encapsulates the cavity.

Dam and Fill with dual valves. Dual valves on a single platform. One valve dispenses the dam, a second valve encapsulates the cavity.


Dual valves on a single platform. One valve dispenses the dam, a second valve encapsulates the cavity.

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

PCB Trace Repair Method Using Epoxy | BEST, Inc.

PCB Trace Repair Method Using Epoxy | BEST, Inc.


PCB pad circuit repair using epoxy. Using multiple angles including overhead and from both right and left angles the BEST instructor staff demonstrates plainly how to repair a PCB pad using the epoxy method. This method is per IPC 7721 4.4.1. http://


Events Calendar: bonding with epoxy (1)

SMTA China East Conference 2018

Events Calendar | Mon Apr 23 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Thu Apr 26 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | Shanghai, China

SMTA China East Conference 2018

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Jobs: bonding with epoxy (2)

Mid-Atlantic Regional Sales Manager

Career Center | Philadelphia, New Jersey USA | Sales/Marketing

LOCATION BASE SALARY USA - NJ - Central USA - NJ - Southern USA - PA - Philadelphia $67000 - 73000 Another $50K to $70K in commissions based on plan COMPANY BRIEF My client is a leading supplier of automated broadband communications assembly e

Electronics Search Group of MRI

Senior Engineering Microassembler

Career Center | Brooklyn, New York USA | Engineering,Production

Mini-Circuits designs, manufactures and distributes integrated circuits, modules, and sub-systems for high performance radio frequency (RF) and microwave applications.  With design, sales and manufacturing locations in over 30 countries, Mini-Ci


Career Center - Resumes: bonding with epoxy (2)


Career Center | ORLANDO, Florida USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

Manufacturing tech/eng for a contract manufacture for 10+ years. Been working in the SMT industry for a total of 20yrs. Have done everything from operator to process work. Most familiar with Assembleon, MPM, DEK, BTU,Electrovert, SLIM-KIC, SUPER-MOLE

mehrdad resume

Career Center | la jolla, California USA | Engineering

More than 18 years experience in AOI. Refer to my resume for more details.

Express Newsletter: bonding with epoxy (166)

SMTnet Express - January 8, 2020

SMTnet Express, January 8, 2020, Subscribers: 33,435, Companies: 10,958, Users: 25,498 Copper/Epoxy Joints in Printed Circuit Boards: Manufacturing and Interfacial Failure Mechanisms Credits: Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH PCBs have a wide

Partner Websites: bonding with epoxy (14198)

PCD Volumetric Dispensing for Epoxy,Thermal Grease,Underfill

GPD Global |

PCD Volumetric Dispensing for Epoxy,Thermal Grease,Underfill   Home   Products Fluid Dispensing Equipment High Precision Dispenser -MAX Series Large Format Board Dispensing -DS Series Table Top Dispensing Equipment Loader

GPD Global

Training in Wire Bonding - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed


Training in Wire Bonding - EPTAC - Train. Work Smarter. Succeed Looking for solder training standards, manuals, kits, and more

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Formic Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

High Throughput Reflow Oven
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.