Electronics Forum: bow or twist formula (8)

Bow and twist of PCB's

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 05:32:39 EDT 2001 | dougie

Hi, I've just splashed out �60 on IPC-A-600F trying to find out the formula for measuring the bow and twist of raw PCB's. Much to my dismay there are 10 lines on the subject in the whole standard. Worse still is that it tells me nothing I don't alre

PCB Warpage

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 10:58:01 EDT 2005 | Dhanish

Need help from the experts on 1)simple way to measure the PCB warpage 2)what is the maximum warpage can the SMT machine allow the to accept and place the component without problem. 3)I have seen some people are using 7mils/inch as a Warpage spec. a

Express Newsletter: bow or twist formula (31)

Partner Websites: bow or twist formula (16)

CF8 Documentation Package

GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/lead-former/CF8-Doc-Package-801-1-01.pdf

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GPD Global

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