Electronics Forum: camalot issues (19)

camalot 1818 vision initialization issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 09:22:52 EST 2010 | cwhite30

I have a camalot 1818 dispensing system, but it recently stopped booting up. It gets to the 197 vision initialization screen and then freezes with the message "bad command or file name could not communicate with vp" Does anyone know how to fix this?

camalot 1818 vision initialization issue

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 14:38:42 EST 2011 | leemeyer

I had this problem awhile back and it turned out to be a problem with the computer Bios settings. The battery had gone dead and the settings were set back to the default state. Luckily I have 2 of these machines and was able to reset the Bios configu

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Camalot NuJet and DDH (Dual Dynamic Head)


NuJet and DDH


Career Center - Resumes: camalot issues (3)

Arturo C Jadear Jr

Career Center | binan city, Laguna Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

6.5 Years Experience in Semiconductor Industry Specializing in Dispensing process and Equipment. 5.0 Years of Experience in Field Service Engineering. Machine Commissioning / Customer support 24 / 7, Technical Support for Customer machine and process

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Career Center | Poway, California USA | Engineering,Production

Technically qualified in proper operation, troubleshooting, installation /dismantling, programming and preventive maintenance of SMT (Surface Mount Technology) machines. Productivity and quality for the production of PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Ass

Express Newsletter: camalot issues (732)

SMT Express, Volume 5, Issue No. 4 - from SMTnet.com

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