Industry Directory: chips tolerance (2)


Industry Directory | Other

Manufacturer and Exporter of HSS End Mills & Entire range of Carbide Cutting Tools


Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Manufacturer of highly miniaturized and high reliability PCBs. Swiss Quality substrates for demanding applications such as implants and medical devices. HDI flex, rigid-flex and rigid PCBs in small to medium volumes.

New SMT Equipment: chips tolerance (17)

DJ-2200 DispenseJet Non-Contact Flux Jet

DJ-2200 DispenseJet Non-Contact Flux Jet

New Equipment | Dispensing

Flux application using the DispenseJet® pump is a superior alternative to screen printing and ultrasonic spray. Jet dispensing eliminates the overspray and material waste associated with ultrasonic and spray application methods. Flux application usi

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

<font color=0033ff><h4>Chip Resistor Kits</h4></font>

Chip Resistor Kits

New Equipment |  

1/10 Watt, 0805 chip package, +/-5% tolerance, resistance ranges from 10 Ohm to 1Meg Ohm

Engineering Lab

Electronics Forum: chips tolerance (41)

Re: Placement tolerance

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 22:43:36 EST 1999 | dean

| Does anyone know of a contract manufacturing house that can guarantee smt component placement and can verify placement of +/-.015? | | Thanks in advance | Question: mm, inches, or mils? I can do it. However, what is your reliability level? 9

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 11:13:46 EST 2003 | gregp

Your points are all valid. This is probably a service that the component distributers should provide. The reason I am harping on this issue is because I beleive is is possible to add several hundred part numbers to your pick and place on line inven

Used SMT Equipment: chips tolerance (1)

Anritsu MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzers

Anritsu MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzers

Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Test & Measurement

Highly expandable, plug-in, modular design bit error rate tester (BERT) Bit Error Rate test from 0.1 Gbit/s to 32.1 Gbit/s; 64.2 Gbit/s with external MUX/DeMUX Supports signal integrity analysis for a variety of 100G+ applications High speed ba

Shenzhen Zhongce Photoelectric Technology Co., LTD

Industry News: chips tolerance (39)

IPC Report Details How PCB Manufacturers Meet Current and Future Technology Demands

Industry News | 2017-05-16 17:59:37.0

PCB Technology Trends 2016, a global study published this month by IPC – Association Connecting Electronics Industries®, is now available. The survey-based study shows how printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturers are meeting today’s technology demands and looks at the changes expected by 2021 that will affect the whole industry.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

RoHS Guide in Electronics: RoHS, WEEE and Lead-Free FAQ

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:24:24.0

RoHS Guide in Electronics: RoHS, WEEE and Lead-Free FAQ

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Parts & Supplies: chips tolerance (1)

chimall Temperature Curve

chimall Temperature Curve

Parts & Supplies | General Purpose Equipment

FEATHERS 1. Efficiency, collect data continuously for 16 times and forward to computer to analysis grouping; 2. It is available base on PC (WINDOWS) and PDA(Pocket) to analyze; 3. Low power, use lithium battery that can k


Technical Library: chips tolerance (2)

Beat the Heat in Notebooks With Software

Technical Library | 1999-05-06 10:46:06.0

Pentium-class portables present significant packaging problems. The heat generated inside a notebook not only reduces microprocessor reliability, but the reliability of peripheries such as hard drives and video chips. Although the processor is the primary heat-generating source, it isn’t always the component least tolerant of temperature...

Aavid Thermalloy, LLC

Power Supply Control from PCB to Chip Core

Technical Library | 2010-06-30 17:43:04.0

As silicon technology advances to enable higher density ASICs, the core logic voltage decreases. The lower voltage, in combination with higher current requirements, requires tighter tolerances on the power supplies. The control of the power supplies from the PCB to the die is the subject of this study. A frequency sweep simulation using typical bypass values shows that a discrete package capacitor is not a significant factor in reducing the chip core power supply fluctuation. A small voltage boost at the PCB supply can provide a more economical solution to managing the device supplies.

Avago Technologies

Videos: chips tolerance (4)

Flux spray coating on PCB with DispenseJet DJ-2200

Flux spray coating on PCB with DispenseJet DJ-2200


Flux spray coating on a PCB with uniformal thickness down to 5 microns, with clear edge definition and minimal overspray. Can coat large or shoot dots with the same jet.

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

ML-A410  SMT Automated Optical Inspection Machine

ML-A410 SMT Automated Optical Inspection Machine


ML-A410  SMT Automated Optical Inspection Machine  Feature ▶Economical and practical AOI. ▶High precision detection platform design. ▶Fast programming debugging integration. ▶Automatic recognize the Tip and Bottom side. ▶Professional SPC system.

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Career Center - Resumes: chips tolerance (3)


Career Center | Derabassi, India | Maintenance,Management,Production,Quality Control,Sales/Marketing

PCB Assembly (SMT & PTH)--Process/Planning – Production – Maintenance/Troubleshooting – QA/QC

Sales Manager

Career Center | Shen Zhen, China | Management,Sales/Marketing

Working in GLORYPCB for 10 years.knowing electronic supply chain very well. especially for PCB PCBA assembly and other Electronic Manufacturing Service.Glorypcb is a professional electronic manufacturer located in Shenzhen with three facilities.offe

Express Newsletter: chips tolerance (389)

Partner Websites: chips tolerance (47)

IPC-J-STD-001 Chip Component Solder Joints - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

, LED’s, Thermistors and Varistors for 3 density levels, Most, Nominal and Least pad size.   Note that for all chips longer than a 0603, the Nominal Toe value is

PCB Libraries, Inc.

B500 PCB optical inspection machine-PCB magazine loader,PCB turn conveyor,pcb conformal coating mach

ASCEN Technology |

: AOI PCB optical inspection machine can monitor for defects including all kinds of lifted leads and all defects for small chips,AOI optical inspection system is designed to overcome all PCB design

ASCEN Technology

chips tolerance searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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