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Lost password on Conceptronic oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 16 10:29:42 EDT 2003 | james

Did you ever change the passwords on the oven or were they defaults and you dont remember them? Because for level 1 is the number 1 for 2 it is 2 and for level 3 it is 3. Hope this helps.

Lost password on Conceptronic oven

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 18 04:22:47 EDT 2003 | kanwal324

Please go through the manual. resetting the CMOS setting will solve your problem. Its better you consult with machine manufacturer if problem is not solved.

Dream SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 18:10:42 EDT 2004 | 3COM Employee

Chipshooter: KME CM82CM-G Fine Pitch: KME CM92R-M Screen Printer: Anything, but DEK. Reflow Oven: Conceptronics, by far. Conveyors: Simplimatic. Router: Cencorp.

Oven for lead free...???

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 08:16:47 EDT 2004 | pjc

here are two other worth looking at: http://www.speedlinetech.com/electrovert/index.aspx http://www.conceptronic.com/

Conceptronic HVA102

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 17:55:37 EST 2004 | mdang

How can I profile the HVA102 so it can bring up one zone at a time? This machine is 1996. Thanks, -Michael

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 16:16:01 EST 2005 | pjc

Here are some 5 zones models to look for: Electrovert OmniFlo5 Conceptronic HVA70 BTU VIP70 Vitronics SMR or XPM 520 Heller 1088 (4 zone)

5 zone reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 09:32:49 EST 2005 | TDS

I have a conceptronic HVA70 in Ohio for sale. If interested please email me. scott@tritecsales.com

Reflow Ovens

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 17 10:39:06 EDT 2005 | russ

Why are you soured on Vitronics? I like them the best of all I've used including BTU, Speedline, conceptronics, Heller, etc...

Thermo runaway

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 25 12:50:45 EST 2007 | stepheniii

What about the relay that controls the heater? I've seen that problem on conceptronics ovens. The relay would latch on and never turn off.

Conceptronics HVA 102

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 10 06:14:33 EST 2007 | mk

I do!! Contact me outside the forum.. Matt Kehoe SIPAD Systems Inc. 770-475-4576 mattkehoe@sipad.com

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