Electronics Forum: contact goldfinger (6)

Darn-left out contact info on the goldinger gloves

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 03 08:23:37 EDT 1998 | smd

Stevens Products (supposedly around since 1937) 128 N. Park St. E. Orange, NJ 07019 Tel 973-672-2140 Contact: Ross Stevens, Jr. They'll take a PO but terms are net 30 Right now we are taping the goldfingers which is | effective but also expensive. A

Boards with damaged goldfingers

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 11:33:45 EST 2001 | sim_ad

I have some boards here that were damaged by solder on the goldfingers. Is there a place I can contact to repaire them? Please advise. Simon

Express Newsletter: contact goldfinger (686)

contact goldfinger searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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