Electronics Forum: cxi 3600 (3)

Nicolet X-ray service

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 15:21:41 EDT 2005 | vikkaraja

What kind of problems are you having? We had our shares with CXI 3600. If there is something I have ran across maybe I can help.

Nicolet In-Line X-Ray Inspection System

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 28 22:06:09 EST 1998 | Martin Plourde

Nicolet CXI-3600 In-Line X-Ray inspection system Was paid over $250 000 in 1994 Now available for $66 000 There are a few available. For more info, please get back to and I will forward you the info you request. Availability: April 98 Regards, Selec

Used SMT Equipment: cxi 3600 (1)

Nicolet CXI 3600 CSCE

Nicolet CXI 3600 CSCE

Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection

1999 Nicolet CXI 3600 CSCE X-Ray Approx. Dimensions: 130" x 60" x 60" Item Location: Laval, QC Canada Serial: 3696

Baja Bid

Express Newsletter: cxi 3600 (3)

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