New SMT Equipment: dfm and succe and test (3)

DOCTAR - Design Object Compare Tool and Reporter

DOCTAR - Design Object Compare Tool and Reporter

New Equipment |  

DOCTAR is used validate design changes throughout the hardware board design and manufacturing lifecycle. DOCTAR analyzes changes to both to physical and logical elements in the design database. Test point analysis includes test points that have b


DOCTAR - Design Object Compare Tool and Reporter

New Equipment |  

DOCTAR is used validate design changes throughout the hardware board design and manufacturing lifecycle. DOCTAR analyzes changes to both to physical and logical elements in the design database. Test point analysis includes test points that have b


Electronics Forum: dfm and succe and test (2)

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 06 09:53:59 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING (GDT) Using and applying GDT to printed circuitry and assemblies is very much like applying it to any other design for manufacturing (DFM) or design for assembly (DFA) requirement using concurrent engineering (C

Programming for Pick & Place and AOI machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 07:32:51 EDT 2017 | jlawson

Another commercial tool is Valor MSS Process Preparation from Mentor-Siemens (Valor), can handle Gerber, PnP, ODB++, Native CAD ASCII Files, BOM and CAD Merge, SMT Pn Programming, AOI exports , DFT Engineering - ICT/Flying Probe programming, Stencil

Industry News: dfm and succe and test (56)

RSI's eSight Design for Manufacturability Solution Lowers PCB Manufacturing and Implementation Costs

Industry News | 2003-02-13 08:11:45.0

eSight Can Reduce Time-to-manufacture and Time-to-market by as Much as 80%


SMTA Certification Programs in Minnesota and Boston

Industry News | 2003-04-21 09:11:21.0

One for SMT Processes and one for SMT Systems

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Technical Library: dfm and succe and test (1)

Streamlining PCB Assembly and Test NPI with Shared Component Libraries

Technical Library | 2016-04-08 01:19:52.0

PCB assembly designs become more complex year-on-year, yet early-stage form/fit compliance verification of all designed-in components to the intended manufacturing processes remains a challenge. So long as librarians at the design and manufacturing levels continue to maintain their own local standards for component representation, there is no common representation in the design-to-manufacturing phase of the product lifecycle that can provide the basis for transfer of manufacturing process rules to the design level. A comprehensive methodology must be implemented for all component types, not just the minority which happen to conform to formal packaging standards, to successfully left-shift assembly and test DFM analysis to the design level and thus compress NPI cycle times.(...)This paper will demonstrate the technological components of the working solution: the logic for deriving repeatable and standardized package and pin classifications from a common source of component physical-model content, the method for associating DFA and DFT rules to those classifications, and the transfer of those rules to separate DFM and NPI analysis tools elsewhere in the design-through-manufacturing chain resulting in a consistent DFM process across multiple design and manufacturing organizations.

Mentor Graphics

Videos: dfm and succe and test (1)

PCB Reliability and Effective DFM Analysis

PCB Reliability and Effective DFM Analysis


By Pat McGoff, Market Development Manager During New Product Introduction (NPI), one of the priorities of both designers and manufacturers is quality. However, quality means something different to the designers and the manufacturers. Designers eq

Mentor Graphics

Events Calendar: dfm and succe and test (3)

Wisconsin Chapter In-Person Event: PCB Workshop and PCB Plant Tour

Events Calendar | Tue Jul 11 00:00:00 EDT 2023 - Tue Jul 11 00:00:00 EDT 2023 | Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA

Wisconsin Chapter In-Person Event: PCB Workshop and PCB Plant Tour

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Wisconsin Chapter In-Person Event: PCB Workshop and PCB Plant Tour

Events Calendar | Wed Sep 11 00:00:00 EDT 2024 - Wed Sep 11 00:00:00 EDT 2024 | Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA

Wisconsin Chapter In-Person Event: PCB Workshop and PCB Plant Tour

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Express Newsletter: dfm and succe and test (821)

SMT Express, Issue No. 3 - from

SMT Express, Issue No. 3 - from Volume 1, Issue No. 3 Wednesday, August 18, 1999 Proof Of Design a column by The MoonMan Installment One:DFM/CE - What's It All About Anyway? Continued from Front Page Make no mistake

Partner Websites: dfm and succe and test (93)

Webinars and Webtorials

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) |

.  Three surface finishes including OSP, ImAg, and ENIG are considered. The test vehicle consists of 15mm and 6mm Ball Grid Array (BGA) components. The assembled test boards were isothermally aged at 125oC for 12 months, which are then thermally cycled between -40oC to

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC-2581 - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 1

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

? If so I would be very interested to know your results, good,bad, ugly etc, and especially if you are into getting Quality DFM/DFA Reports from the IPC-2581 database from your chosen EMS

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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