Electronics Forum: discolor kester (9)

Re: Discoloring of Soldermask and silkscreen

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 20:49:13 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Netters, | | When I reflow a PCB there is a discoloration of silkscreen and mask. It appears if Profile is too hot! But I dont think so, maybe I'm wrong? | | 1. Kester 293 no clean | 2. 2.1 C/s for 30s to 150 C | 3. .5 - .7 C/s for 60s to 185

Discoloring of Soldermask and silkscreen

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 12 19:28:26 EDT 1999 | Tom B

Netters, When I reflow a PCB there is a discoloration of silkscreen and mask. It appears if Profile is too hot! But I dont think so, maybe I'm wrong? 1. Kester 293 no clean 2. 2.1 C/s for 30s to 150 C 3. .5 - .7 C/s for 60s to 185 C 4. 1.5 C/s u

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