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Ekra E5 question

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 15:42:40 EDT 2020 | tbst

Hallo, Die Reinigung der E5 Drucker funktioniert wenn sie richtig eingestellt ist. Dazu gehören folgende Positionen: 1.Es sollte die richtige Dosiernadel verwendet werden. Farbe: Grün mit Metall oder pink komplett Plastik. 2. die Durchflussmenge mus

Ekra E5 question

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 15:31:05 EDT 2020 | kumarb

Thank you for the replies. Neither the analog dimmable ballast (1-10V) nor the dimmable T5 2G11 socket bulbs have been fun to source. After countless hours of searching, believe that the Ebay listing here (Philips) is compatible: https://www.ebay.co

EKRA E5 X20b port

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 12:19:30 EST 2021 | oxygensmd

If you get Machine Offline error, that means the backPC non-working or there are some connection issue between front and back PCs. FrontPC is normally a standard PC, backPC normally is a 4U-size industrial PC. I had the same issue in the past, multi

Ekra Stencil Printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 10:03:23 EDT 2006 | slthomas

I can't speak for the E5-36, but we had two E5's at my last place of employment and I loved 'em. Programming was a snap, as was setup for operations.

EKRA E4 direction change

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 23:25:42 EDT 2017 | micropak

I have an E5 and I believe this is in service mode /machine configuration.

EKRA E4 model Service Manual PDF

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 04 07:44:57 EST 2019 | vrasak

Hello, My EKRA X5 printer does not clamp the PCB. I would like to the manual any E4, E5 or X5. Hope hopefully it should give me some clue. Could you please send me the manual E4, E5 or X5? vrasak@cncroom.com Thank you so much, Weerasak.

EKRA E4 model Service Manual PDF

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 28 05:09:37 EDT 2019 | oxygensmd

You need to modify the language flag inside the e5.ini file if you have the old software. C:E4#8;edienedit e5.ini Search for "postdfix", it will be on D like deutsch (german), change to GB (english). For the new software, look for setlng.cmd.

EKRA E4 model Service Manual PDF

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 09:09:42 EST 2020 | kumarb

From the user forum... You need to modify the language flag inside the e5.ini file if you have the old software. C:E4 edienedit e5.ini Search for "postdfix", it will be on D like deutsch (german), change to GB (english). For the new soft

Screening Solder Print paste m/c

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 10:58:17 EDT 2006 | slthomas

Having never used either DEK or MPM I can't comment on the "big 2" but you might want to include EKRA in your long list. We had a couple of E5's at my last employer and loved them.

What is a good budget screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 11:30:32 EDT 2008 | slthomas

I *think* an E5 takes a 29"x29" frame and you might be able to find one in that price range. The trouble is just finding one. Ekra America will probably have refurbs but the price will no doubt be higher from them.

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