Industry Directory: elite 6920 manual screen printer (1)

Elite Circuit Equipment

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Precision Manual and Semiautomatic Screen and Stencil Printers for the electronics industry since 1979. Offline models for standard cast, tubular, and custom frames. Features include rugged durability, precise repeatability, and competitive pricing

Electronics Forum: elite 6920 manual screen printer (8)

Manual screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 21:32:42 EST 2004 | Ken

Elite? De-Hart? man that brings back memories. Anyone here remember "Screens"?

Screen printing adhesive

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 17:33:38 EST 2003 | dgjjr

We use Thermoset MA-420 on a pair of Elite 6920 printers. Excellent results. It took some experimentation with aperture sizes and stencil thickness but it works great.

Used SMT Equipment: elite 6920 manual screen printer (1)

Elite 6920

Elite 6920

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

Pneumatically controlled squeegee pressure for precise, repeatable print height Dual squeegees eliminate solder paste build-up at end of stroke Squeegee-shuttle travel is pneumatically driven using a fully adjustable, maintenance –free rodless cyli

Hi-Tech Sources

Express Newsletter: elite 6920 manual screen printer (836)

Partner Websites: elite 6920 manual screen printer (4)

The Branford Group - Recent Auctions


   [Sold in its Entirety] SOLD - Offering Sold In Its Entirety Auction Cancelled -- Sold in its Entirety Surplus SMT Equipment from Jabil St. Petersburg, FL Fuji XPF-L & AIM Placement Machines, MPM Accela Screen Printer, Vitronics Reflow Oven, Nordson Curing

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