Electronics Forum: enig vs electrolytic niau (6)

ENIG vs Flash Gold

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 18:07:25 EST 2006 | Chris

Flash gold is just thin gold plating over electroless nickel or electrolytic nickel. Flash gold is electrolytic gold where the panel is connected to a plating rectifier and current causes the plating process to occur. Gold thickness is controlled b

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 16:37:08 EDT 2004 | davef

As we mentioned in an earlier response in this thread [Q5], you do NOT want to solder to hard gold. Hard gold is a wear surface. [That's IT, that's the LIST.] If you want to solder to gold, then either use: * IPC-4552 ENIG specification, mentioned

Industry News: enig vs electrolytic niau (1)

Solder Tinned Pads vs Gold Plated Pads - The Importance of Selecting the Proper Surface Finish

Industry News | 2018-10-18 10:16:53.0

Solder Tinned Pads vs Gold Plated Pads - The Importance of Selecting the Proper Surface Finish

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Express Newsletter: enig vs electrolytic niau (134)

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