New SMT Equipment: ersa versaflow3 (1)

ERSA VERSAFLOW 3/45, Selective Soldering Machine

ERSA VERSAFLOW 3/45, Selective Soldering Machine

New Equipment | Selective Soldering

The worldwide leading selective system for a perfect selective soldering process To satisfy all demands with regard to flexibility, Ersa has based the design of the third generation VERSAFLOW on a fully modular machine platform. A basic VERSAFLOW 3/

kurtz ersa Corporation

Electronics Forum: ersa versaflow3 (8)

Best Selective wave?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 16:08:03 EDT 2012 | burb1999

Looking for the best Selective wave from everybodies opinions and why? Looking at also if it needs fixtures etc? What about the ERSA VERSAFLOW 3/45? Thanx, Todd

Nitrogen gassing ring

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 22:05:54 EST 2017 | cromaclear

Hello to all, I am using ersa versaflow 3 selective soldering machine, i am having problems with nitrogen gas ring contamination. How can i clean this rings,what do you use? Ultrasonic bath maybe?

Used SMT Equipment: ersa versaflow3 (13)

Ersa Versaflow 3/45

Ersa Versaflow 3/45

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

This equipment has been barely used and is in "Like New" condition

Baja Bid

Ersa Versaflow 3/45

Ersa Versaflow 3/45

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

This machine will be coming available for purchase soon. Our end-user customer does not have a set price for this item. They have told us to forward them all offers. Please contact for more information. Features: Version

Baja Bid

Industry News: ersa versaflow3 (57)

Sign-ups Open for Ersa’s Versaflow 3 Selective Soldering Level II Application Training Course

Industry News | 2019-02-18 17:09:25.0

Kurtz Ersa will hold an ERSA Versaflow 3 Selective Soldering Level II Maintenance Training Course from Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 1 p.m. to Friday, April 5, 2019 at 12 p.m. at its Plymouth office. The two-day class will provide the knowledge and hands-on experience for process application and programming on the Versaflow 3 selective soldering machine.

kurtz ersa Corporation

Attend the Ersa Versaflow 3 Level II Maintenance Training Course in April

Industry News | 2015-03-05 08:28:22.0

Kurtz Ersa North America, a leading supplier of electronics production equipment, today announced that it will hold a two-day ERSA Versaflow 3 Selective Soldering Level II Maintenance Training Course from April 6, 2015 at 1 p.m. – April 8, 2015 at 12 p.m. at its facility in Plymouth, WI. Students who attend the course will gain the knowledge and hands-on experience to maintain and troubleshoot issues on the Versaflow 3 machines.

kurtz ersa Corporation

Videos: ersa versaflow3 (2)




The VERSAFLOW 3/45 is the first in-line selective soldering machine with dual track transport. Highest flexibility and highest throughput can be realised with the smallest possible required space. Find our products ?

Technical Resources Corporation

Ersa Selective Soldering - VERSAFLOW 3/45

Ersa Selective Soldering - VERSAFLOW 3/45


The VERSAFLOW 3/45 is the first in-line selective soldering machine with dual track transport. Highest flexibility and highest throughput can be realised with the smallest possible required space. Find our products ?

kurtz ersa Corporation

Training Courses: ersa versaflow3 (1)

ERSA Versaflow 3 Selective Soldering Level II Application Training Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

kurtz ersa Corporation

Express Newsletter: ersa versaflow3 (123)

ersa versaflow3 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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