Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions
A dealer of high quality Used SMT Equipment, Used Plastic Injection Molding Equipment, Used Machine Tools, Used Semiconductor Machinery, and Used Industrial Machinery.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
PCB Electronics Manufacturing Automation Software for EMS, OEM & ODM manufacturers. Over 3000 customers worldwide!
Proven Peel Back Force Measurement Supplying consistent SMT carrier packaging is critical for customers using SMT pick-and-place machines. Nothing will stop a production line faster than carrier cover tape that doesn’t peel back properly. The proble
ProntoPLACE used by electronics manufacturers will quickly program your surface mount SMT and thru-hole assembly equipment. In minutes Unisoft ProntoPLACE software translates CAD or Gerber and Bill of Materials (BOM) files into real reference desig
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 06:45:08 EST 2018 | micomac
We have Europlacer flexys pick and place. We have had 3 turret collisions with 8mm feeders arising from the tape retaining clip coming free during operation. Have asked Europlacer for part numbers for safety catches that a technician told me existe
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 06:08:45 EDT 2010 | miroyu
Hi everyone ! I started to program quad 4C for the first time and have some problems. First, board detection LED and proximity Led (on the front panel) are not lightning whatever I do! Second problem is I teach machine board size, nozzle locations
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Europlacer iineo + II Placement System; Dual Gantry; Twin Head; Date: 4/2019; Type: inneo; S/N 508; 23,248 on Counter; Trolleys and Elements Sold Separately
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Europlacer iineo II Placement System; Dual Gantry; Twin Head; 2016; Type: iineo; S/N 315; 34,607 on Counter; Trolleys and Elements Sold Separately
Industry News | 2017-09-16 02:29:39.0
Heller Industries has been awarded the 2017 Global Frost & Sullivan Company of the Year Award for its surface mount technology (SMT) soldering equipment that enables Industry 4.0. - the automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies.
Industry News | 2003-06-12 08:24:37.0
An adaptive tool prevents small and/or light components "lifting" or "floating" on printed circuit board assemblies during the wave solder process.
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
SMT PHILIPS NOZZLES for pick and place machine Part Number Description 9498 396 03149 NOZZLE CPL3 (5PC) 9498 396 03150 NOZZLE CPL4 (5PC) 5322 360 10443 Nozzle, O2 TE 5322 360 10444 Nozzle, O3 TE 9466 918 26731 SL047 NOZZLE 5322 360 10447 Nozz
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
SMT PHILIPS NOZZLES for pick and place machine Part Number Description 9498 396 03149 NOZZLE CPL3 (5PC) 9498 396 03150 NOZZLE CPL4 (5PC) 5322 360 10443 Nozzle, O2 TE 5322 360 10444 Nozzle, O3 TE 9466 918 26731 SL047 NOZZLE 5322 360 10447 Nozz
Technical Library | 2016-11-17 14:58:02.0
Since 2006 RoHS requirements have required lead free solders to take the place of tin-lead solders in electronics. The problem is that in some environments the lead free solders are less reliable than the older tin-lead solders. One of the ways to solve this problem is to corner stake, edge bond or underfill the components. When considering what mitigation technique and material to use, the operating conditions must be characterized. The temperature range is important when selecting a material to use since the glass transition temperature (Tg) and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) are important properties. If improperly chosen, the mitigation material can cause more failures than an unmitigated component.
Technical Library | 2008-10-29 18:45:53.0
Growing demand for compact, multi-function electronics products has accelerated component miniaturization and high-density placement, creating new challenges for the electronics manufacturing industry. It is no longer adequate to simply place parts accurately per a pre-defined CAD assembly program because solder paste alignment errors are increasing for numerous reasons. The solution to this problem is a system in which the placement machine can automatically detect and compensate for misalignment of the solder paste to produce high-quality boards regardless of the process errors beforehand.
Proven Peel Back Force Measurement Supplying consistent SMT carrier packaging is critical for customers using SMT pick-and-place machines. Nothing will stop a production line faster than carrier cover tape that doesn’t peel back properly. The proble - The ProntoPLACE module from Unisoft is used by electronics manufacturers to generate the necessary programs for automatic PCB assembly machines in minutes. ProntoPLACE programs most popular surface mount (SMT) place
Training Courses | | | PCB Assembly Courses
The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.
Events Calendar | Tue Jan 23 00:00:00 EST 2018 - Tue Jan 23 00:00:00 EST 2018 | New Milford, Connecticut USA
FREE Webinar: Eliminate Circuit Board Problems and Failure Modes
Events Calendar | Tue May 15 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Thu Jun 14 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | China, China
The birth of steel pipe is for the goal of better life
Career Center | North Attleboro, Massachusetts USA | Production
SMT Programmer/Operator 1st Shift 1.) Programming set-up and operation of SMT equipment for production. 2.) Troubleshooting and maintaining of feeders. 3.) Proficient in the soldering and de-soldering of surface mount and through hold componen
Career Center | Huntington Beach, California USA | Production,Technical Support
This position is responsible for programming SMT equipment. Will supports production work flow (parts, stenciling, assembly and testing) Diagnoses pick problems or placement issues and provides/implements solutions Coaching/Train others how to ope
Career Center | Fremont, California USA | Engineering,Production
4 years of PCB assembly process.
Career Center | hyd, andhra pradesh India | Engineering,Production,Research and Development,Technical Support
i have a experience in smt and i acan operate europlacer and mydata machines.
solders to take the place of tin-lead solders i
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You’ve Got This! Conformal Coating Consistency, No Problem. ASYMTEK Products Corporate | Global Directory | Languages Division Only All of Nordson Fluid Dispensing Systems Jets
I.C.T SMT Vacuum Reflow Oven Machine helps you to solve the problem of High Solder Voids Rates - I.C.T SMT Machine English Bahasa indonesia Сербия
A dealer of high quality Used SMT Equipment, Used Plastic Injection Molding Equipment, Used Machine Tools, Used Semiconductor Machinery, and Used Industrial Machinery.
Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions
104 East Street
Middleton, MA USA
Phone: 978 790-2774