Electronics Forum: europlacer vs pantera (19)

Pick and Place vs CAD File

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 29 04:43:12 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice

Interesting, I work much the same way as Ivan up to the sticky tape part, plodding through the BOM against the pick and place file and downloading the relevant datasheets to verify packages, this can be tedious but usually gets much quicker the more

Opinions sought on MyData LX14 vs Europlacer iineo I

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 23:55:07 EDT 2015 | navworx

As mentioned, I'm looking for opinions, pro & con, comparing these two machines. Cost, performance, whether you think it's an apples-apples comparison, etc. Would like to hear from those who: 1. Have used Europlacer machines and now use MyData mac

Express Newsletter: europlacer vs pantera (419)

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