Electronics Forum: expired shelf life on osp (9)

Regarding OSP PCBA shelf life.This is based on the thread (#73465 PCB SHELF LIFE AFTER FIRST REFLOW | 9 February, 2015)

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 06 09:09:54 EST 2017 | davef

Suppliers have improved the utility and quality of OSP [organic solderability preservative] solderable surface protection over the years. Be cautious reading too much into older SMTnet [and web in general] conversations about handling OSP. When prop

Regarding OSP PCBA shelf life.This is based on the thread (#73465 PCB SHELF LIFE AFTER FIRST REFLOW | 9 February, 2015)

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 00:41:23 EST 2017 | abhilash4788

Dear All, I have OSP finsh pcb on my production, the pcb thickness is 1.5mm and the product is one sideded pcba. After reflow process, Is there any specific time frame defined for smt completed OSP finish pcba before going for wave soldering proce

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