Industry Directory: flex hot bar (19)

Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd

Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Manufacturer of PCB depaneling and PCB soldering machines since 2005, products include CE approval V-groove PCB depanelizer, PCB router, PCB punching machine, laser depaneling, hot bar soldering machines and soldering robots.

C-Tech Systems, B.V. [formerly Nordson DIMA]

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

C-Tech Systems, B.V. [formerly Nordson DIMA] supplies Hot Bar Bonding and Soldering equipment that is supported by a global service network. We offer customer-inspired solutions in a range of industries.

New SMT Equipment: flex hot bar (56)

PHM Hot Bar Soldering and Bonding Machines

PHM Hot Bar Soldering and Bonding Machines

New Equipment | IC Packaging

Fancort's Hot Bar Bonding and Soldering machines are easy to use, robust and economical for bonding flex to rigid assemblies such as Flex to PCB, LCD-Flex to PCB, Flex to LCD, HSC to LCD, HSC to PCB. Microprocessor based controller provides precis

Fancort Industries, Inc.

Hot Bar Soldering Machines

New Equipment | Other

We offer a number of soldering machines for bonding Flex to PCB, Connector to PCB and micro cables to PCB/ connectors.

Production Technologies Ltd

Electronics Forum: flex hot bar (95)

hot bar and lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 12:09:40 EST 2004 | Kris

Hi All, Does any body have any information on hot bar lead free soldering ? Need papers or experimental data ASAP Thanks

Alternate Solders/methods of flex attachment to pcb's

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 21 17:44:45 EST 2006 | omar_verdugo

hi all, could someone have an idea, would it be the best method to attach a flex cable to a pcb. right now, we are using a hot bar to solder the flex to the pcb, but we are having troubles with this method. the process is no regular all the time a

Used SMT Equipment: flex hot bar (21)

Manncorp PBS213 Hot Bar Soldering

Manncorp PBS213 Hot Bar Soldering

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

Hot Bar Soldering Flex Circuit to PCB Ribbon Cable to PCB Coaxial Cables Fine Pitch SM Devices Edge Connectors to PCB Thermocompression Bonding Tab to PCB, HSC to LCD or tab More information W


Fancort Hot Bar Selective Sold

Fancort Hot Bar Selective Sold

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

Thermode Length 100mm, Stroke 50mm, Flex Bond 1/2inch Force 10 to 100N @ Bar Preheat/Reflow 0-200 Seconds Work Area 260X200mm Temp Range 25 to 400c in 1 degree Intervals Voltage 110/220 CCD Camera System with Monitor Condi

Lewis & Clark

Industry News: flex hot bar (87)

Desktop Systems Provide Flexible Bonding

Industry News | 2003-06-10 08:39:25.0

New from Unitek Eapro is a series of desktop systems for hot bar bonding applications.


Nordson ASYMTEK Exhibits Innovative Technologies for Dispensing and Conformal Coating Systems at IPC APEX 2017 Booth 1611

Industry News | 2017-02-02 10:26:34.0

Nordson ASYMTEK, a Nordson company will exhibit its latest and most popular technologies for fluid dispensing, jetting, conformal coating, and hot bar soldering in booth 1611 at the IPC APEX tradeshow, in San Diego, California, being held February 14-16, 2017. ASYMTEK is joining its sister Nordson companies to support IPC as it celebrates its 60th year in the electronics manufacturing industry.

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Parts & Supplies: flex hot bar (56)

Universal Instruments Universal AI part Scissor Knife Set 43871702

Universal Instruments Universal AI part Scissor Knife Set 43871702

Parts & Supplies | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

Universal AI part Scissor Knife Set 43871702 44241906 ARM,KICKOUT 5MM,RH 44241908 ARM,KICKOUT STD RH N 44241909 ARM,KICKOUT 5MM RH N 44241910 REPLACED BY: 44241909 44241911 ARM,KICKOUT 5MM RH N 44241912 ARM,KICKOUT STD RH N 44241913 ARM,

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Universal Instruments Universal plug-in machine guide wheel 18164000

Universal Instruments Universal plug-in machine guide wheel 18164000

Parts & Supplies | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

Universal plug-in machine guide wheel 18164000 44241906 ARM,KICKOUT 5MM,RH 44241908 ARM,KICKOUT STD RH N 44241909 ARM,KICKOUT 5MM RH N 44241910 REPLACED BY: 44241909 44241911 ARM,KICKOUT 5MM RH N 44241912 ARM,KICKOUT STD RH N 44241913 AR

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Videos: flex hot bar (31)

Hot Sale automatic pcb bar board push up stacker smt destacker used in chip mounter Assembly Line

Hot Sale automatic pcb bar board push up stacker smt destacker used in chip mounter Assembly Line


Hot Sale pcb Push-up stacker for chip mounter Assembly Line Product introduction: 1.This equipment is used to collect bare PCBs at the end of SMT production line 2.Stable and reliable PLC control system; 3.Easy to operate LED touch screen control

Shenzhen Honreal Technology Co.,Ltd

Tape & reel module for micro parts packaging

Tape & reel module for micro parts packaging


Tape & Reel module for Microtech / Medtech components Mise en bande de composants d’horlogerie / Microtechnique / Medtech Blistergurtmodule für Uhrenindustrie / Microtechnik / Medtech


Express Newsletter: flex hot bar (336)

Partner Websites: flex hot bar (3370)

Hot Bar Reflow Soldering Systems | Nordson DIMA

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

Hot Bar Reflow Soldering Systems | Nordson DIMA DIMA Products Corporate | Global Directory | Languages Division Only All of Nordson Hot Bar Reflow Soldering Systems Flex carriers and foil connectors Mobile electronics such as telecommunications equipment, as well as the electronics in motor

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Bar & Roll Solder


Thermaltronics EasyBraid BEAU TECH Tronex XDry Corp PCBASupplies View all Brands Solder Bar Solder Solid Core Solder Hand Soldering & Rework Solder Paste TMT-9000S 9000 Series Solder Stations M Series Tips Hot Air Tools Preheaters Soldering Accessories Cross

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PCB Handling with CE

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