Electronics Forum: flush rep (2)


Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 15:37:58 EDT 1998 | Michael Allen

We've had success with AirVac's DRS-22 system. Their people seem to understand the rework process better than many other suppliers. I'm sure you can find them on the Web. Note: When looking at a competing supplier's equipment last year, the demo gu

stencil ordering

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 25 18:03:46 EDT 2002 | soupatech

Russ, that makes sense, thanks. As for the 20x20... I was speaking with a sales rep who was trying to talk me into buying stencils from him. I told him I use "Fuji 4000" and he sent me quotes for 20x20 and 29x29. That seems odd since the Fuji 4000 st

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