Electronics Forum: flux and what and it and is (5)

What is the preffered spacing between PTH and SMT pads

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 04:57:08 EDT 2009 | davepick

It depends on the application what will be considered the biggest issue to avoid (production or longterm reliability). Tin Whiskers are bit of an unknown quantity - but a more realistic problem could be dendritic growth / electromigration forming sho

Vapor Degreasing, Inline Aqueous or Batch Cleaning - What is your preference and why?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 08:45:07 EDT 2013 | benreben

if is regardless of fluxes or population complexity my opinion is that inline aqueous with kysen liquid or other is the best because this liquid wash all type of flux and the aqueous wash all population complexity

Industry News: flux and what and it and is (1)

What is a vacuum reflow oven ? What is the difference between vacuum reflow welding and vacuum reflow welding?

Industry News | 2019-12-16 22:35:33.0

Vacuum reflow oven is to conduct high-quality welding for products in a vacuum environment to protect products and solder from being oxidized under the condition of vacuum, and to react the oxide of products and solder surface at the same time to improve the quality of welding surface and reduce the void rate of welding.

Beijing Technology Company

Technical Library: flux and what and it and is (3)

Grafoil Material-What is it and How it is Used.

Technical Library | 2024-07-01 13:39:17.0

Informative overview of Grafoil material.

A-Laser, Inc.

Bridging at Reflow, What is the Cause and Can it be Eliminated?

Technical Library | 2012-04-12 21:25:13.0

Surface mount technology (SMT) started in the 1960s and became more common in the 1980s. It is the dominant technology in use today. Through-hole technology is still in use, and will be for the foreseeable future, but the drive towards miniaturization of


Express Newsletter: flux and what and it and is (637)

Partner Websites: flux and what and it and is (6505)

What Is a Printed Circuit Board and What Do You Use One For?

Imagineering, Inc. | https://www.pcbnet.com/blog/what-is-printed-circuit-board-use-for/

don’t work in the electronic or engineering industry may not know what a printed circuit board is or how it works. It’s important to understand them and how they contribute to the entire electronics industry

Imagineering, Inc.

Halogens and Halides: Consider Halogen-Free Flux and Solder Paste

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/efd/blog/012419-halogens-and-halides-consider-halogen-free-flux-and-solder-paste

: Consider Halogen-Free Flux and Solder Paste Back to all posts Part 2 of 2 – The Need for Halogen-Free Materials and the Impact on Your Electronics Manufacturing Process By John Vivari What will happen if halogen-containing substances are banned from use in electronics manufacturing

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

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