Industry Directory: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (2)


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

ZTELEC GROUP, founded in 1958,product including electrical insulation materials, complete transmission and distribution system, enameled wire, 5g electronic communication materials, electrical equipment system, etc


Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer / Manufacturer's Representative

ChangDa was founded in 2001, it is a comprehensive company that engaged in R&D, production and marketing of thermal insulation and ESD reinforced plastics.

New SMT Equipment: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (13)

Aluminum PCB; Metal Core PCB; LED PCB Circuit board -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Aluminum PCB; Metal Core PCB; LED PCB Circuit board -- Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

New Equipment | Fabrication Services

Aluminum PCB & Metal Core PCB & LED PCB Circuit board Aluminium PCB are metal-based, copper-clad laminates with a good heat dissipation function. Usually, Aluminium PCB is refer to LED PCB board, which is the most important part of LED display and l

Hitech Circuits Co., Limited

Board Repair Kit

Board Repair Kit

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

Poor handling procedures may sometimes damage corners and edges on printed circuit boards. Most of these types of damage to PCB's can be repaired using the BEST Board Repair Kit. This versatile repair kit along with our clear "how to" instructions of


Electronics Forum: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (34)

Looking for "carrier" for Reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 17:08:31 EDT 2023 | assuredtech

What Is FR4 Substrate Material? FR4, also written as FR-4, is both a name and a standard rating. The name is applied to the fiberglass-reinforced epoxy-laminated sheets used in printed circuit board manufacturing. However, the name also functions as

Laminate materials

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 13:04:04 EDT 2000 | Eugene Smelik

Dr. Lee, Given the higher reflow temperatures for Pb-Free assembly, will common FR4 laminate materials be adequate, or do you believe that higher glass content boards will be required for mainstream Pb-free assembly? As a corollary question - if man

Industry News: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (13)

Raw Material Choices for PCBs

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:10:33.0

Raw Material Choices for PCBs

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Ventec International Group Awarded IPC-4101/40 Qualified Products Listing Certification

Industry News | 2018-05-21 20:39:06.0

IPC's Validation Services Program has awarded Ventec International Group, a global electronics materials manufacturing company headquartered in Suzhou, China, a second IPC-4101 Qualified Products Listing (QPL). Ventec successfully qualified their products, VT-90H and VT-901, to specification sheet 40 of IPC-4101E, Specification for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Technical Library: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (3)

High Performance Multilayer PCBs Design and Manufacturability

Technical Library | 2013-10-31 17:36:41.0

Multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) that utilize high performance materials are inherently far more challenging for a fabricator to build, due to significant material property differences over standard epoxy glass FR4. These unique material characteristics often require higher processing temperatures, special surface treatments (to aid in hole and surface plating), they possess different expansion properties, making layer-to-layer registration more difficult to control, and require many other unique considerations.

Spectrum Integrity, Inc.

Bromide-Free Options for Printed Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2008-12-11 01:15:56.0

Flame retardants have been around since the Egyptians and Romans used alum to reduce the flammability of wood. Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) first experienced use after World War II as the substitution of wood and metal for plastics and foams resulted in materials that were much more flammable. The widespread use of BFRs initiated in the 1970s with the explosion of electronics and electrical equipment and housings. For the US market, all of these products must conform to the UL 94 flammability testing specifications. In fact, the most common printed circuit board (PCB) in the electronics industry, FR-4, is defined by its structure (glass fiber in an epoxy matrix) and its compliance to UL 94 V0 standard.

DfR Solutions (acquired by ANSYS Inc)

Videos: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (3)

This video is on the repair of damaged corners presented by the professional instructing staff at BEST Inc.

This video is on the repair of damaged corners presented by the professional instructing staff at BEST Inc.


This video is on the repair of damaged corners presented by the professional instructing staff at BEST Inc. Corners get damaged from improper handling, storage or packaging. The repair of these damaged corners for multiple angles including both abov


Base Board Repair Kit for PCBs

Base Board Repair Kit for PCBs


Poor handling procedures may sometimes damage corners and edges on printed circuit boards. Most of these types of damage to PCB's can be repaired using the BEST Board Repair Kit. This versatile repair kit along with our clear "how to" instructions of

Events Calendar: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (1)

SMTA China East Conference 2018

Events Calendar | Mon Apr 23 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Thu Apr 26 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | Shanghai, China

SMTA China East Conference 2018

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Express Newsletter: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (1016)

SMT Express, Issue No. 4 - from

SMT Express, Issue No. 4 - from Volume 1, Issue No. 4 Tuesday, September 14, 1999 Featured Article Return to Front Page MULTILAYER BOARD (MLB) CONSTRUCTIONS FOR HIGHEST LAMINATE INTEGRITY, DIMENSIONAL STABILITY, AND ELECTRICAL

SMTnet Express August 22 - 2013, Subscribers: 26219

SMTnet Express August 22, 2013, Subscribers: 26219, Members: Companies: 13462, Users: 35081 Whisker Growth In Tin Alloys On Glass-Epoxy Laminate Studied By Scanning ION Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy by A. Czerwinski, A

Partner Websites: fr4 epoxy laminated glass board (21)

IPC-7351 Mounting Hole Naming Convention & Info - PCB Libraries Forum - Page 2

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

), just a clean hole through the FR4 material. But why? The plated hole drill bit hits copper on every hole. JZsori wrote: My understanding is that it is preferable to have a donut pad for the screw head so that the screw does not crush the epoxy glass material as much as it has a copper pad in between

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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