Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 24 12:57:00 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr
Anybody use the VJ- 1000- LP? Pros and cons? Comparable to Nicolet, conceptronics, Lixi, Glen Brook?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 12:25:13 EDT 2004 | Cal
JD- I have used a few of GlenBrook's machines.. Jewel Box 70, Jewel Box 90, and RTX-113. Currently we have the RTX -113 on our shop floor as we speak. I like the machine but wished I would have went for for the angle viewing option or even the BGA so
Used SMT Equipment | X-Ray Inspection
GlenBrooks RTX-113, real time X-ray system X-Ray tube was replaced (apx $7.5k value) 12" Monitor, X-Ray Tube, Power Supply and Controls. Glenbrooks patented XRTV High Sensitivity X-Ray Camera, enhanced with eight frame recrusive averaging. Image