Electronics Forum | Fri May 25 14:59:45 EDT 2012 | kevslatvin
I too would go with something like the Grid-lock. We use Red-E-sets from production solutions. They are similar to the grid-locks but don't use air.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 18:12:49 EST 2004 | dorklover664
We are looking for a new way to support PCAs in the DEK. I am trying to push for getting grid-locks but have been told they cost to much. Right now we are trying out another support system (hell if I can remember what they are called) like the grid-l
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
Max PCB Size: 508*508 Camera/Vision System : Green digital camera Camera res.: FOV 5x8.5 mm Tooling: Grid Lock/Magnetic
Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers
DEK 265 Horizon Stencil Printer Machine Model: Horzion 03i Year: 3/2009 Camera Type: Digital Hawk Eye 750 Inspection: Deposit Verification (Better performance than normal 2D Inspeciton) Windows XP Operating System Blue Underscreen Cleaning System wit
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Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
DEK CAN Board 160077 [..SQA305] Squeegee 400 mm [191088] BOM SOLVENT PUMP ASSY [..158815] 500mm clamp adapter [..165520/122022/181706] TRANSPORT BELT,3mm,2450mm [188962/03131175-01] Bom motor drive print carriage [211222] BOM Cyclone VAC Chamb
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