Electronics Forum: hal sn100c (3)

Lead-free solder alloy: SN100C from AIM solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 09:14:49 EDT 2005 | Jason Fullerton

I've tested boards with SN100C HAL finish, and wetting to the PCB finish was poor at best, using a no clean SAC305 paste.

HAL PCB finish by SN100C (lead free)

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 11:41:53 EST 2005 | GS

Hello, a - does any one of you have experience with PCB finished by SN100C (SnCuNi)? SMT single side? SMT double side? SS/DS plus PTH? b - if yes, what about compatibility with different alloys (ie. SAC)used for SMT or Wave (different me

Industry News: hal sn100c (6)

FCT Assembly Introduces NL930PT Pin Probable Solder Paste

Industry News | 2010-03-22 13:14:36.0

GREELEY, CO — FCT Assembly introduces its NL930PT no-clean, lead-free, halide-free pin probable solder paste. The product is unique in that it is a clear residue paste that can print down to low surface area ratios consistently. Combined with SN100C, this solder paste produces the most cosmetically appealing solder joint available on the market.


FCT Assembly Introduces NL932 No-Clean Paste

Industry News | 2010-03-22 13:59:02.0

GREELEY, CO — FCT Assembly introduces its NL932 no-clean, lead-free, halide-free solder paste. The paste features excellent solderability, enabling the process to handle the most difficult wetting requirements.


Express Newsletter: hal sn100c (39)

High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge)

High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge) High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge) While the situation varies from country to country, nearly one year after the EU RoHS Directive came into force

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