Industry Directory: heller analogic (1)

Link Communications, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Quick turn small and large lots of boards. Turnkey service also available. Fine pitch placement optical Philips Topaz.

Electronics Forum: heller analogic (2)

Heller 1706EXL increased thermal cascade on last 3 zones

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 19:22:48 EDT 2021 | kumarb

Hi. Aside from the good advice above, wish to throw in our experience with our 1809EXL. Had < 200 on-hours and the oven would not melt the assorted fresh paste we sourced from different suppliers. The s/w reported that the set temps were being

Heller 1809EXL TDM repair

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 22:19:33 EDT 2020 | kumarb

Hi. Have an older 1809EXL that was purchased new and has sat idle for years with 270 on hours as of today. After days of testing, unable to melt fresh paste from Loctite (SAC305). The root cause after the investigation is due to one of the 2 TDM modu

Express Newsletter: heller analogic (748)

SMTnet Express - June 30, 2016

SMTnet Express, June 30, 2016, Subscribers: 25,433, Companies: 14,836, Users: 40,583 Analog FastSPICE Platform Full-Circuit PLL Verification Mentor Graphics When designing PLLs in nanometer CMOS, it is essential to validate the closed-loop PLL

Partner Websites: heller analogic (15)


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完整的Heller回流焊炉和设备零件清单 » Heller回流焊炉和设备备件的完整列表 Heller Reflow Equipment Spare Parts Enter a part number or description:   4656---Controller, analogic board (HC1-C

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Heller Industries Inc.
Heller Industries Inc.

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.


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