Electronics Forum: hmp reflow (7)

HMP Lead free solder?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 03:35:41 EDT 2005 | Slaine

I have a through hole product that is currently built with HMP solder(93.5Pb,5Sn,Ag1.5). We then dip it in 60/40 SnPb to give a solderable finish as HMP tends to oxidise. We need the HMP as our Customers solder through reflow ovens. Some customers w

High Melting Point Solder with alloy composition of 93.5 Pb 5 Sn 1.5 Ag

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 25 08:15:54 EDT 2014 | jax

With a melting point of roughly 300°C, you would need to have the product see temperatures peaking around 325°C at a minimum. (I would make sure the components and PCB materials can withstand these temperatures) Most convection ovens do not go over 3

Industry News: hmp reflow (1)

FCT Assembly to Exhibit Solution-Driven Solder Pastes at the SMTA Capital Expo

Industry News | 2014-09-06 15:26:20.0

FCT Assembly today announced plans to exhibit at the SMTA Capital Expo & Tech Forum, scheduled to take place Tuesday, September 9, 2014 at the John Hopkins University/Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, MD.


Express Newsletter: hmp reflow (881)

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