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Re: Problems with wave solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 19 10:12:38 EST 1998 | Brian Conner

| For some as yet unkown reason, we have started to have some boards sag and go under the wave. The boards are surface mount top side and conventional components wave soldered. We have checked the wave hight and both the profiles on the wave solder a

Re: Tomb stoning

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 30 20:31:11 EST 1997 | Jon

I suggest that you look at a few things: 1) The SMD pads may be too small for the part. Try to conform with the IPC standards in pad design. 2) The parts may be misplaced during the placement process. Tweek the placement program and if that doesn'

Wave Solder Temp Verification IR GUN or Temp Dots??

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 11:05:38 EDT 2011 | nucleartoast

I worked for Electrovert for 20 years as a machine designer. Our first computer controlled solder machine the Century 2000 used Infra red pyrometers that were very accurate - once you calibrated it against what you wanted to measure. So the aim and s

IR Rework Machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 15:22:59 EDT 2012 | spitkis2

Would like to ask end users or those with experience using infra red rework equipment (specifically when the top heater is IR) the following: 1. Can you successfully rework Package On Package (PoP) type devices? With heat directed through the packa

Re: Problems with wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 17 08:36:28 EST 1998 | Chrys

| For some as yet unkown reason, we have started to have some boards sag and go under the wave. The boards are surface mount top side and conventional components wave soldered. We have checked the wave hight and both the profiles on the wave solder a

Re: Problems with wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 19:34:51 EST 1998 | Mike Demos

Charles: Here are a few possibilities you might want to check: 1) Conveyor width -- if the conveyor is too tight this will cause the boards to buckle as they go through the preheat section. We recently had this happen when we changed operators. 2


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 07:30:19 EDT 2017 | spoiltforchoice

TBH I think perhaps the OP deserved it, there is perfectly good explanation of Reflow and Process Window Index on Wikipedia for starters and if you want more all sorts of FREE specialist papers on things like reflowing flex circuit, lead/lead free et

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Have serviced AMF pinspotters both mechanical and electrical sides; included repair of chassis pc boards to component level. 20 years in this field. Have worked in PCB manufacture  with old style board populators and Panasert robots Worked in H

IR Versus Hot Air - Put-Up Your Dukes

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 20:23:58 EDT 1999 | Dave F

Jackie's posting recently and responses to it got me to dondering. First, recollecting, we bought an IR rework station a couple million years ago. It had a IR source on a stand, a bunch of lenses, and Reynolds aluminum foil for shielding near-by co

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