Industry Directory: intrusive reflow soldering (225)

Heller Industries Inc.

Heller Industries Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.

Baja Bid

Baja Bid

Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions

BAJA Bid was founded to form an auction organization with the primary objective of providing an outstanding experience for both our buyers and sellers.

New SMT Equipment: intrusive reflow soldering (409)

Flux Free Formic Acid Reflow Oven - 1936 MKV

Flux Free Formic Acid Reflow Oven - 1936 MKV

New Equipment | Reflow

Flux Free Formic Reflow Reflow in Formic Acid Vapor Heller has designed and built an production ready horizontal reflow oven for formic acid vapor. This new oven has been designed to meet Semi S2/S8 safety standards (including toxic gases). Form

Heller Industries Inc.

High Volume Reflow Oven - 1936/2043 Mark5

High Volume Reflow Oven - 1936/2043 Mark5

New Equipment | Reflow

The World's Best Convection Reflow Oven The ultimate high volume production reflow oven with belt speeds up to 1.4 m/min to accommodate the fastest pick and place systems. Lead Free Certified reflow oven! Maintenance Free! Lowest Nitrogen &

Heller Industries Inc.

Electronics Forum: intrusive reflow soldering (5011)

intrusive reflow process

Electronics Forum | Tue May 28 13:25:57 EDT 2002 | zanolli

Hello Anthony, The amount of solder that the process is capable of applying is the biggest limitation. I believe that solder paste is only approx. 50% metal by volume. When connectors are soldered in intrusive reflow, often the stencil is "overprint

intrusive reflow with OA paste

Electronics Forum | Tue May 23 22:23:20 EDT 2000 | JAK

Hi all, I'm would like to try intrusive reflow (pin in paste, paste in hole, etc.) on a connector using WS-609 solder paste (halide free, water-washable). I'm concerned about entrapped flux in the barrel of the solder joints. If there were to be e

Used SMT Equipment: intrusive reflow soldering (1128)

Heller 1936 Air – Mark 5 Reflow Oven

Heller 1936 Air – Mark 5 Reflow Oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

10 Heat Zones Voltage: 380V Max PCB size: 18" Feed Direction: L-R Additional Options: EHC, Fan Speed Control

Heller Industries Inc.

Heller 1913 Nitrogen – Mark 3 Reflow Oven

Heller 1913 Nitrogen – Mark 3 Reflow Oven

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Reflow

13 Heat Zones Voltage: 380V Max PCB size: 18" Feed Direction: L-R Additional Options: EHC, Dual Lane, Gen 5.2, OMS

Heller Industries Inc.

Industry News: intrusive reflow soldering (1791)

Heller Industries Mark 5 Wins 2012 VISION Award

Industry News | 2012-05-11 20:35:45.0

Heller Industries has been awarded a 2012 SMT VISION Award in the category of Soldering Reflow for its 1936 Mark 5 Reflow Oven. The award was presented on April 25, 2012 at the Nepcon China Exhibition.

Heller Industries Inc.

Heller Industries Mark 5 Wins 2015 SMT China Vision Award

Industry News | 2015-05-18 10:27:49.0

Heller Industries has been awarded a 2015 SMT China Vision Award in the category of Reflow Soldering for its 1936 Mark 5 Reflow Oven. The award was presented during April 21, 2015 ceremony at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center during NEPCON China 2015.

Heller Industries Inc.

Parts & Supplies: intrusive reflow soldering (99)

Samsung CP45 Filter

Samsung CP45 Filter

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

CP45 Filter Part No:N454ZX11-049-001 Our company products fields : 1.used SMT machines , peripheral equipments and spare parts : SMT feeders, nozzles, belts, filters, motors, boards, Cylinders,Guides, Feeder parts etc...   (Mainly parts brand




Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment

SAMSUNG SMT MARGINAL RAY CP40LV VACUUM GENERATOR Our company products fields : 1.used SMT machines , peripheral equipments and spare parts : SMT feeders, nozzles, belts, filters, motors, boards, Cylinders,Guides, Feeder parts etc...   (Mainly par


Technical Library: intrusive reflow soldering (123)

A Practical Investigation into the Use of No Lead Solders for SMT Reflow

Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:29:40.0

A Practical Investigation into the Use of No Lead Solders for SMT Reflow

Heller Industries Inc.


Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:19:44.0

A test program was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of vacuum reflow processing on solder joint voiding and subsequent thermal cycling performance. Area array package test vehicles were assembled using conventional reflow processing and a solder paste that generated substantial void content in the solder joints. Half of the population of test vehicles then were re-processed (reflowed) using vacuum reflow. Transmission x-ray inspection showed a significant reduction in solder voiding after vacuum processing. The solder attachment reliability of the conventional and vacuum reflowed test vehicles was characterized and compared using two different accelerated thermal cycling profiles. The thermal cycling results are discussed in terms of the general impact of voiding on solder thermal fatigue reliability, results from the open literature, and the evolving industry standards for solder voiding. Recommendations are made for further work based on other void reduction methods and additional reliability studies.

Heller Industries Inc.

Videos: intrusive reflow soldering (483)

HELLER INDUSTRIES Presents: Formic Acid Sintering

HELLER INDUSTRIES Presents: Formic Acid Sintering


Nano-copper sintering in formic acid vapor.

Heller Industries Inc.

HELLER INDUSTRIES Presents: 1936 MKV Vacuum Reflow Oven

HELLER INDUSTRIES Presents: 1936 MKV Vacuum Reflow Oven


1809 MK5 - Heller Advanced In-Line Vacuum Reflow Oven Nitrogen System with Balanced Flow Technology 9 Top And Bottom Heated Zones - highest zone count per linear foot in the industry! 100" Heated Length - for super throughput! 2 Internal C

Heller Industries Inc.

Training Courses: intrusive reflow soldering (17)

Reflow Soldering 101 Training Course

Training Courses | ONLINE | ON DEMAND | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Profiling and Solder Reflow Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

Events Calendar: intrusive reflow soldering (22)

i4.0 Connect Forum

Events Calendar | Wed Oct 02 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | Fremont, California USA

i4.0 Connect Forum

Heller Industries Inc.

Webinar: Stencil Design for Solder Paste, In Process Inspection & Process Defects

Events Calendar | Mon Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Mon Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | ,

Webinar: Stencil Design for Solder Paste, In Process Inspection & Process Defects

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Jobs: intrusive reflow soldering (97)

PCBA New Product Introduction Engineer

Career Center | Auckland, New Zealand | Engineering

NAVMAN PCBA NPI Engineer Reporting To: PCBA NPI Technical Leader Primary Objective: Transition of PCBs from R&D design to a manufacturable state conforming to all facets of PCBA production Secondary: Develop DFM & best practice guidelines Res

Navman NZ LTD

SMT Operator

Career Center | Rancho Cucamonga, California USA | Production

The successful candidate will have at least one year experience and knowledge in Pick and Place programming for machines such as Fuji, Samsung, Panasonic, or Tyco; stencil printing and solder past knowledge; wave solder and wave solder washing proce

Ameritron, Inc.

Career Center - Resumes: intrusive reflow soldering (94)

sales director

Career Center | Shenzhen, China | Sales/Marketing

TY-Tech is the leading SMT factory solution provider in China,offering professional SMT factory building advice and service.We have 20 year experience about SMT factories,offering full solutions for global clients with our great advantaged sources

Private Resume #5155

Career Center | , India | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

 Hands on experience in PLC based machine, DEK Printer Machine, Camlot Glue dot machine, Fuji NXT, SPI machine, reflow: Vitronics XPM2/3,  Expertise in SMT Profiling Qualification & NPI Build,  Soldering defects, Analysis & rework.  Line modifi

Express Newsletter: intrusive reflow soldering (998)

Defect Coverage for Non-Intrusive Board Tests

Defect Coverage for Non-Intrusive Board Tests Defect Coverage for Non-Intrusive Board Tests Non-intrusive board test (NBT) is an emerging test methodology that integrates several complementary embedded-instrumentation-based test technologies


!   Pin In Hole Intrusive Reflow P

Partner Websites: intrusive reflow soldering (8604)

Reflow Soldering White Papers, Reflow Soldering Technical Articles

Heller Industries Inc. |

Reflow Soldering White Papers, Reflow Soldering Technical Articles Home » Reflow Soldering Technical Papers & Articles SMT Reflow Technical Papers

Heller Industries Inc.

Reflow Soldering Causes/Defects -

Heller 公司 |

Reflow Soldering Causes/Defects - 电子邮件: 电话: +86-21-64426180 公司 关于 新闻 事件 新设备 回流焊炉 双轨/双温度控制 固化和后端半导体 零空洞/真空炉 无助焊剂/酸性气体炉 压力烤箱 是否有特殊应用需求? 配置您的回流焊炉 技术文件 设备备件 设备需求 支持 文件需求 问询 全球互联 问询 回流焊问题解决 回流焊问题概述 回流焊接缺陷及成因 焊锡球缺陷 芯吸缺陷 焊锡不足 墓

Heller 公司

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Best SMT Reflow Oven

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
Software for SMT

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Fluid Dispensing, Staking, TIM, Solder Paste

High Throughput Reflow Oven

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.