Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Distributor / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Manufacturer
ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited professional in Surface-Mount Technology area and supports most major brands of electronic asembly equipments with a large selections of compatible SMT.
Industry Directory | Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions
We are a big trader for secondhand SMT equipments(surface mounting technology equipment) in ShenZhen, China. We often have a large purchasing requirement due to our big sales team. We want to buy
JUKI FTF 16mm Feeder JUKI FTF TYPE 16mm Feeder JUKI SMT machines Juki KE-730,Juki KE-740, Juki KE-750, KE-760, KE-2010,KE-2020,KE-2030,KE-2040,Juki KE-2050,KE-2060,Juki KE-2070,KE-2080,FX-1,FX-2,FX-3.etc. M/P: +86 15323874439 Email:
JUKI Nozzle for 700&2000 series KD775&780E3401-802-000JUKIKD775 DISP NZ S2D/1S 0.6/0.3P=0.7E3406-802-00JUKI KD775 DISP NZ M1D/2S 0.7/0.4P=1.0E3411-802-000JUKI KD775 DISP NZ L1D/1S 0.9/0.6P=1.5E3416-802-000JUKI KD775 DISP NZ LL 2D/2S 0.9/0.6P=1.5E342
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 25 13:06:11 EST 2007 | james
I am looking for any comments as far as the JUKI 2050 or 2060 placement reliability? Does anyone have experience with these machines and could give me their input? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 26 06:59:38 EST 2007 | james
Have you had any placement problems due to pickups being off?
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
JUKI Mounter fx-1r parameters: Board size: 410*360mm Component height: 6mm 33,000CPH:chip (optimal) / 25,000CPH: chip (IPC 9850) Two independent multi-nozzle laser heads (8 total nozzles) from 0603 (0201) to 20mm square components or 26.5×
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
JUKI2050 2060 2070 2080 and JUKI High Speed Machine Due to the lack of company stock JUKI used mounter, The customer placed a device order to see which boss had an idle machine to sell, pls contact with me. Becky Su
Industry News | 2024-09-18 14:19:59.0
Make sure you head over to the catalog and place your best and final bids ASAP!
Industry News | 2011-02-21 18:15:25.0
Count On Tools Inc., a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, now offers an expanded selection of Juki SMT Tooling Nozzles, including the 500 and 800 series nozzles in both base designs (gold/silver). The nozzle designs enable highly accurate, repeatable and optimized chip placement.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
JUKI 2050 2060 filters 40011160 40011159 SMT Pick And Place Machine More information about Products please Contact US at or visit
Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment
Juki 2050 2060 z motor E9629729000 Specs: JUKI KE2050 2060 z motor TS4633N2026E602 48V 40W; P/N E9629729000 JUKI KE2010 2020 2030 Z motor TS4633N2020E600 48V 30W; P/N E9629729000 JUKI KE2070 2080 FX-3 Z motor MITSUBISHI HC-BH0336LW4-S1/S4 P/N 40
40001403 COVER RUL 40001404 COVER RUR 40001406 COVER CUL(L) 40001408 COVER CUR 40001409 COVER CUR(L) 40001411 COVER CUC 40001412 COVER CUC(L) 40001415 COVER SUL(L) 40001418 COVER SUR(L) 40001421 SAFETY COVER FRAME R 40001422 SCW PLATE F 40
40001024 CONVEYOR BASE(L) 40001038 BASE BAR R(L) 40001039 BASE BAR F(L) 40001040 RAIL STAND F(L) 40001043 RAIL GUID F(L) 40001044 CONVEYOR RAIL FC(L) 40001046 IDLER PLATE(L) 40001048 RAIL PLATE FL(L) 40001051 RAIL PLATE FR(L) 40001053 MOTOR
Career Center | San Pablo City, Laguna, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support
Some key points you may find relevant to this job opportunity include: Extensive experience and knowledge on Service and Technical skills by performing Set-up, Buy-off, troubleshooting of the assigned Equipments. Provide solution to custom
QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd |
JUKI 2050/2060 TECHNO DRIVER KR-535MT | QYSMT × Home About US ABOUT US FAQ SMT spare parts SMT Surplus equipments SMT peripheral equipments News Contact US 0 0 Sign in Contact Us Products JUKI 2050/2060 TECHNO DRIVER Public Pricelist Public
JUKI NOZZLE 2050/2060 - ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited For Buyers New Products New Selling Leads Post Buying Requests Product Videos Korean Suppliers Vetted For Sellers New Buying Requests Display New Products Post Selling Leads Premium