Industry Directory: kapton plastic stensils (3)

A-Laser, Inc.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Custom laser cutting services and precision parts manufacturing.

Bit Shop Inc

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

Machine shop for plastics such as g10 fr4... Typically non metal machine work. Very small hole drilling capability. Also routing and controlled depth drilling. Specializing in test fixtures for printed circuit board industry.

New SMT Equipment: kapton plastic stensils (4)

Kapton Plastic SMT Stencils

Kapton Plastic SMT Stencils

New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils

For the DIYer, hobbyist or technical researcher there are times where all you need is a simple means to apply solder paste for SMT devices for a few simple boards. In those cases a plastic SMT stencil may be the right solution. Eliminate the tedious


HeatShieldGel™ - Thermal Protection of Electronic Components During Reflow

HeatShieldGel™ - Thermal Protection of Electronic Components During Reflow

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

BEST HeatShield Gel™ is a thermal shield water-based gel designed to be used in the PCB rework/repair or board assembly areas in order to provide thermal protection of electronic components. It is truly a revolutionary means to protect components. It


Electronics Forum: kapton plastic stensils (10)

kapton dots and liquid solder mask

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 22:03:38 EDT 2005 | davef

Since these are mounting holes, they're probably all the same size. Why not try rubber plugs shaped like golf tees? Try: * Dempsey Industries; 802 N. 4th St, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342; (937)-866-2345; Gary Pascoe * Shercon somewhere in CA * Harman; 36

Re: Kapton tape over displays

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 27 19:57:41 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Our display suppliers provide displays either with: * Molded plastic cover that we recycle to them * Plastic film like the guys that change your oil put on your wind shield to remind you when to get your oil changed.

Industry News: kapton plastic stensils (7)

New Kapton Film Stencils for Labs and DIYs

Industry News | 2014-01-17 12:52:25.0

BEST Inc., has developed a line of Kapton™ SMT stencils for the prototype assembly market. These stencils, available in 4,5 and 6 thicknesses, present very flat coplanar printing surfaces for solder paste printing. . They are designed to be used when the there are very few boards to be made at one time and the pitch of the components is 1.00 and above.


Award for New Product Innovation Announced

Industry News | 2016-04-20 10:27:40.0

BEST, Inc. was presented Circuit Assembly’s NPI Award for its HeatShield Gel™ high temperature shielding product at the IPC APEX Expo on Feb. 24 in San Diego, Calif.


Technical Library: kapton plastic stensils (1)

Performance of Kapton Stencils vs Stainless Steel Stencils for Prototype Printing Volumes Processes

Technical Library | 2013-07-03 10:31:54.0

It has been demonstrated in numerous pieces of work that stencil printing, one of the most complex PCB assembly processes, is one of the largest contributors to defects (Revelino et el). This complexity extends to prototype builds where a small number of boards need to be assembled quickly and reliably. Stencil printing is becoming increasingly challenging as packages shrink in size, increase in lead count and require closer lead spacing (finer pitch). Prototype SMT assembly can be further divided between industrial and commercial work and the DIYer, hobbyist or researcher groups. This second group is highly price sensitive when it comes to the materials used for the board assembly as their funds are sourced from personal or research monies as opposed to company funds. This has led to development of a lower cost SMT printing stencil made from plastic film as opposed to the more traditional stainless steel stencil used by industrial and commercial users.This study compares the performance of these two traditional materials and their respective impact on solder paste printing including efficiency and print quality.


Videos: kapton plastic stensils (1)




To order, visit BEST HeatShield Gel™ is a thermal shield water-based gel designed to be used in the PCB rework/repair or board assembly areas in order to provide thermal protection of electronic compo


Express Newsletter: kapton plastic stensils (61)

SMTnet Express July 3 - 2013, Subscribers: 26124

SMTnet Express July 3, 2013, Subscribers: 26124, Members: Companies: 13413, Users: 34866 Performance of Kapton Stencils vs Stainless Steel Stencils for Prototype Printing Volumes Processes by Bob Wettermann, Hung Hoang; BEST Inc It has been

Partner Websites: kapton plastic stensils (9)

PCB Libraries Forum : FR4

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

”. This solid core gives the PCB its rigidity and thickness. There are also flexible PCB's built on flexible high-temperature plastic

PCB Libraries, Inc.

7CH Channel PCB Loader Unloader KIC X5 Temperature Curve Tester


.   * Upgraded Kapton on Teflon Thermal Couples set 400deg.C. 3ft. only in our package   ( Original is Standard Type K Teflon Thermal Couples

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