1074 lead trimming after wave solder is eliminated results

Electronics Forum: lead trimming after wave solder is eliminated (3)

Thru-hole placements

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 23 12:49:10 EST 2010 | gregp

Dilbert is correct. The CS-400E machine is the machine of choice. The component insertions are light guided, the components are automatically presented to the operator and the leads are automatically cut and clinched at programmable lead length and

Waves soldering: not enough solder remaining on pads

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 05 18:50:10 EDT 2017 | caurbach

Hi Zac, My 2 cents: We had similar problems on a board in the same situation (tin-lead HASL, very long leads, low pot height, high pump RPM). Trimming the leads shorter, moving the pot closer to the board, and dropping the pump speed down to sane

Express Newsletter: lead trimming after wave solder is eliminated (1061)

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Partner Websites: lead trimming after wave solder is eliminated (10)

Reflow Oven SMD Temperature-News-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin

| http://etasmt.com/cc?ID=te_news_bulletin,24969&url=_print

I.C.T is a manufacturer of SMT machines. It mainly provides customers with SMT production lines  including SMT Stencil Printers ,   Pick and place machines , Reflow Oven , AOI Machine , Wave Soldering Machine

Surface Mount International

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) | https://www.smta.org/icsr/speaker_forms/Paper-Format-Requirements.doc

. (You may also place all large tables and graphics is an Appendix at end of the paper after your REFERENCES) The third development stage was to build the actual notebook or desktop production motherboard in a lead-free configuration and perform the full battery of board level and system level testing

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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