Leaders in Helium Leak Detectors, parts, service and training.
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New Equipment | Test Equipment
Mini Loop to measure the discontinuity of the shielding chambers RF Leak detector for SEMS system
New Equipment | Industrial Automation
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Industry News | 2021-05-24 00:19:11.0
Many industries use some types of gasses in many application. Those gases may be harmful to people or possess the ability to cause harm such as able cause explosion when a spark is introduced. However, in many cases, such gas are either odorless or did not have a strong smell. As a result, any leak in the gas would not cause any alert until it causes significant harm. A gas detection system is in desperate need to help prevent those situations by detecting the presence of gas in the surrounding and alert the personnel.
Industry News | 2021-04-22 17:08:17.0
New Advanced Thermal Solutions' Devices can Continuously Store Biological Materials at Temperatures as Low as -123°F
Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories
SMT MACHINE GENUINE Juki Spare Parts JUKI 750 760 2020 2040 COUPLING E3023721000 SFC-010DA2 Pats Specifications: Brand Name JUKI 750 760 2020 2040 COUPLING Part number E3023721000 Model SFC-010DA2 Ensure Test in machine confirmation Guara
SMTnet Express, January 31, 2019, Subscribers: 31,643, Companies: 10,701, Users: 25,678 Novel Pogo-Pin Socket Design for Automated Low Signal Linearity Testing of CT Detector Sensor Credits: General Electric Due to the arrayed nature