Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 10 03:18:28 EDT 2019 | bukas
Hey guys, my DEK265 GSX is acting funny. It misprints half of the boards. The one half when squeegees move away from operator to be precise. When squeegees are moving towards operator print is perfect. In both cases actuators are moving prior to prin
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 16:23:42 EDT 2008 | aj
Hi, Have you tried to download the MINT ?if this works you should be back in business , if not,check your PSU, which you can access from the back? check the manual as to which one powers the cards- dont have manual to hand but I think it is the 5v
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 26 08:11:15 EDT 2008 | dwelch123
Try swapping cards in Y1 enclosure. You can swap zero and one or two and three but make sure you change the shunt position and the dip switch settings and see if your problem switches cards. The lithium battery likes to fail on those cards. Reload th
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 06 16:19:32 EST 2020 | richardcargill
haven't tried the MINT as it won't let me get that far !! Swapping the Eproms with card 1 and changing the identifier will let it get to the 'Press SYSTEM key' part of the startup though, then it fails on card 1 instead of 0 so I'll give that a try i
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 07:46:50 EDT 2012 | omur
We have the following problem with our DEK265GS during start-up: Loading Program... Loading Language... Stack Overflow! Any help / pointers would be much appreciated. Omur...
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 20:05:31 EST 2006 | Robert
I had a problem to calibrate the vision of the DEK 265LT machine. After touch the calibration vision button a error message come up "Unable to load file CALIBRA.PR1" Does anyone know what fault could cause this? Do i need a calibration program? Doe
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 03:24:14 EDT 2019 | weglimir
Thank you! it is the same on other slots as well, when I removed the board, error was the same, but it appeared instantly after DEK Program was loaded. When it is inserted - this error appears after 10 seconds (approximately) so it seems like somethi
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 13:00:33 EDT 2006 | john_smith
CN, I forgot a couple things. The DEK printers are easy to program at about 3-5 min. The MPM is a little more difficult to program and it takes about 20-30 min. Resale value is also in DEKs favor. Just look around in the equipment section and see all
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 11:15:38 EDT 2012 | menatech
delete the pointer readings.dek. If the printer loads after restart is the problem a corrupt program (last printed product. if this not work could it be a problem with the DEK config file. save the the file on floppy and delete it from the m/c. the s
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 19 15:28:34 EDT 2020 | emeto
You are programing something wrong or your image is not in the center of the stencil. On DEK machines you can move a lot in Y by offseting the image in the program. In X machine can move +_5mm. Now, sometimes there is a way around this as well if yo