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HMP Lead free solder?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 06:33:04 EDT 2005 | Slaine

if a solder has over 85% lead its classed as RoHS complient because its difficult to achive the same melting point with anything else (298degrees). a few other alloys with a similar range are ; % % 266E266 82.6 Cd 17.4 Zn 271MP 100 Bi 280E2

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 15:59:34 EDT 2006 | JohnM

I have a product with mixed in Pb free and Pb BGAs. I decide to use SnPb paste with Pb free reflow profile to make it work for both types of BGA. Do I have a reliability solder joint issue by using this method? How is your opinion on this case? Can

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 19:46:32 EDT 2006 | JohnM

So, it looks like the backward compatible of BGA statement is not guarantee for solder joint reliability. It doesn�t matter what temperature and what melting sequence we have in order to avoid the solder void issue. Is Pb diffused homogeneously thr

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:47:21 EDT 2006 | patrickbruneel

Inds, It's about time that lead-free components can stand higher temps "myth" stops. The only difference is the plating, the component itself has not changed. Can you give us an update on this threat? If you�re the same inds http://www.smtnet.com//

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:19:58 EDT 2006 | inds

John, there have been quite a few discussion on Mixed Assemblies in this forum.. do a search.. you will get whole lot of information.. in addition - IF you are using Lead-free reflow profile...make sure the rated temp for Sn-Pb components is not vi

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:40:40 EDT 2006 | samir

Yikes! Sounds like a hairy situation there. I've successfully collapsed a Pb-Free BGA (using a Sn/Pb solder paste), with a peak temperature of 220 Deg. C and Time Above SAC's Eutetic point (217) of 17 seconds. Beware of overcooking your smaller ma

Lead free BGA's & std SnPb paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 30 21:55:27 EST 2003 | johnwnz

Now I've checked the archives on this and found the starts of an answer but not much else, but then that posting was a while ago and I though there would be some more data now. So here's the question: who, if anyone is placeign Pb-free BGA's (ideally

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 11:31:52 EDT 2006 | muse95

Patrick, I believe you are mistaken about this being a myth. Many component manufacturers changed more than plating to make their component withstand higher temps. Some changed mold compounds, others changed plastic types used. Many of these change

Lead free Solder Paste troubles !!!!

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 11:02:30 EDT 2004 | habba

Hi all ! I have a very simple ( maybe stupid ) question : Can we mix the lead-free components with 'Pb components' ? I mean, some component would lead-free, but it is only 5% of the whole. Will I have problems on wave and on reflow ? Thanks for hel

lead free platings and tin lead

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 17:36:36 EDT 2004 | davef

NO-LEAD COMPONENTS WITH LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We agree with Russ. We've dicussed this several times on SMTnet. For instance, look here http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=25394 LEAD COMPONENTS WITH NO-LEAD SOLDER ISSUE: We disa

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