Electronics Forum: mixing and sn100 and with and sac305 (1)

SAC 305 Reflow & SN100C Wave and Selective

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 10:48:34 EST 2007 | ck_the_flip

Is there anybody out there doing this scenario: SAC 305 Reflow & SN100C Wave and Selective Can the 2 alloys be mixed on 1 board, say, SAC 305 for SMT, and SN100C for thru-hole? Are 2 different rework chemistries needed, or can one use SN100c wire

Industry News: mixing and sn100 and with and sac305 (1)

Nihon Superior Shanghai to Exhibit at NEPCON China 2012 Implementing Lead-Free Soldering with Cost Reduction and Reliability

Industry News | 2012-03-28 15:59:44.0

Nihon Superior Shanghai Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of Nihon Superior Co. Ltd. will showcase a new and expanded range of products based on its SN100C® silver-free, lead-free solder at the upcoming NEPCON China 2012 exhibition in Shanghai.

Nihon Superior Co., Ltd.

Express Newsletter: mixing and sn100 and with and sac305 (205)

High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge)

High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge) High Reliability Lead-free Solder SN100C(Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni+Ge) While the situation varies from country to country, nearly one year after the EU RoHS Directive came into force

Partner Websites: mixing and sn100 and with and sac305 (8)

Safety Data Sheets | Nordson EFD

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/efd/resources/safety-data-sheets

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