Electronics Forum: mosfet contamination (6)

Solder void underneath the mosfet

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 00:57:05 EDT 2010 | 89jeong

Hello Sir. We also have faced a same problem. At that time, we had to repair it because we could not find any solution. But in our experience, the void underneath FET was more severe whenever we used the FET that have been made long time ago. It is

Gold contamination: MOSFET lead pre-tinning

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 18:39:48 EDT 2004 | steveg

We're having a lot of problems with failed solder joints to gold-plated MOSFET leads. Gold plate thickness spec is 60uin, but we've seen as much as 200uin in cross-section, so we're obviously concerned about gold embrittlement issues. Pre-tinning w

Express Newsletter: mosfet contamination (69)

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