Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 13:24:09 EST 2005 | valuems
Hello Sorry we have not answered sooner, been gone. There is a height adjustment on the wiper. You will find a round nob under it, that is a height adjustment. I expect the wiper is not going all of the way up. And you can also control the speed
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 01:27:10 EST 2005 | pavel_murtishev
Good morning, Our automatic cleaner simply doesn�t clean. When I am inspecting clogged apertures I execute �cycle wiper� command few times. After wiping cycle apertures remain clogged. Zero effect. We tried to use solvent in production to improve cl
Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 02:06:57 EDT 2004 | johnwnz
Look here: _a class=roll > href="http://www.aimsolder.com/techarticles/tech%2 > 0sheet%20BGA%20voiding-%20reducing%20through%20pro > cess%20optimization.pdf" > target="_blank"_http://www.aimsolder.com/techartic > les/tech%20sheet%20BGA%20voidin
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 26 06:58:06 EDT 2010 | ristikas
Hello, We have here very oftenly one error in our MPM Accuflex. I dont know who to ask about that errors... The error is „The transfer light peam interlock has been broken. Remove the obstacle from the path of the beam.“ I checked the sensors and
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 31 04:43:52 EDT 2010 | accuspares
If you dissconnect the crash beam sensor one at a time at the front leaving the remaining one connected you’ll be able to identify what side is causing the problem. Then you will be able to hopefully remove the object or adjust the position of the be
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 06:27:22 EDT 2010 | ristikas
It happens on the middle of the stecil cleaning. The camera and the cleaner will stay under stencil in half way back. Then machine asking the initate the motors. If to press initate then the pcb stopper will hit the rails. Usually we move camera and
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 05:27:06 EDT 2010 | accuspares
Hi, Can you tell me at what point in the print cycle the error happens and if it consistently happens at the same point? The machine has two crash beams running down either side of the machine as a safety measure to ensure the table is down before
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 18 23:01:11 EDT 2007 | diesel_1t
Hi there, I want help on the following issue. Where I work, we place a component QFP 256 terminals (20 mil pitch)from hitachi (renesas), we use a MPM UP-3000 screen printer, IP-III placement machine and Vitronics 8 zones reflow Oven. lead plating
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 14:47:53 EDT 2005 | valuems
If the users could change any thing on the MPM printers what would it be and why. thanks Harry
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 16:16:56 EDT 2005 | fastek
Ah...but if MPM didn't mark up their parts like they do then you would be still working for them as a field service guy....instead of remarketing parts and machines.