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VY Software limit MPM UP2000

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 05 14:20:21 EDT 2009 | jorge_quijano

Hello there, I'm having some problems w/MPM up2000, Vision Y axis software limit error, when I tried to create a new program, appears the "Value out of range for VY BSS POS, spec 0.00 min -26.5, read 8.45" message. Any idea of how to correct this pro

MPM UP2000HiE Hardware Limit Warning - E00938

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 21 11:39:11 EST 2023 | atpico

Thank you Michal, The MPM error messages are ambiguous to say the least and one axis not zeroing was a possible cause. But I put here what I learned again and again with this machine: when something doesn't work start by checking the fuses, all of

MPM HiE E00900 Fault

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 15:36:37 EST 2016 | brantco

I have the Error message E00900 i have checked the troubleshoot and it says to check SP1 XP6 and Y1 i have checked SP1 its ok, Relay XP6 seems ok Y1 i dont know where it is located here is the error "Air Pressure Fault" any help would be greatly

GEM interfacing with MPM printers

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 06:57:18 EST 1998 | Brian Pollitt

We're using Cimetrix Host Manager to communicate with MPM UP3000 printers specifically to capture measurement and system settings and error messages. It all works fine until the printer is taken off line. The GEMComm S/W on the MPMs PC (DOS) doesn't

would like any input on MPM problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 22 08:37:47 EDT 2006 | john

Using MPM UP2000 Hie printer.When give cycle wiper command,After comleting forward stroke machine gives error wiper not parked,press next to continue.If press NEXT VY axis software limit comes and machine give message press NEXT to continue.IF press


Electronics Forum | Sat May 28 12:01:13 EDT 2005 | KEN

I have had two of these machines in the past. From what I can remember... Z-axis: Bad Sound going down...probably belt is out of time and is binding or a bad stepper motor. Bad sound going up...could be belt timing or a bad stepper motor. Bad mo

MPM SPM Question

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 18:09:09 EDT 2018 | dleeper

Does the table move under the stencil than just sit there doing nothing? there is an optical sensor in the machine near the end of travel, sometimes solder past or dirt gets into it preventing the contact from being made. Another issue I vaguely rec

MPM Momentum Vision issue

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 28 23:53:58 EDT 2016 | aemery

I don't think there is a camera off message in the software, but I might be wrong. So I am making a bit of an assumption here that you didn't have a displayed image and your error was a fiducial not found error. I am also wondering if you decided to

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