Electronics Forum: mpm up 2000 boots to a black screen (1)

MPM UP2000HiE motherboard replacement

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 21:51:56 EDT 2014 | elabcircuits

Hello, We have a MPM UP2000 HiE printer from 2000, software version 7.2E. The PC board is not booting anymore (black screen), no drives spinning. It's an Advantech 486SX version. Question: would a Pentium 3 SBC (Single Board Computer) with ISA

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The Last Will And Testament of the BGA Void

Heller Industries Inc. | https://hellerindustries.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/last-will-of-bga-void.pdf

Test Vehicle Assembly The test vehicles were assembled at the Rockwell Collins Coralville production facility. An MPM Ultra Print 2000 automated stencil printer using a 0.005 inch thick stainless steel stencil applied solder paste to the test vehicles

Heller Industries Inc.

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