Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 19 13:57:40 EDT 2007 | realchunks
Hi Bill, You should contact your local water work dept. and work with them. Every county is different. Sometimes it not what you put in the drain, but how much. They may want to monitor your drain, which is standard stuff. Be prepared to show th
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 11:07:36 EST 1999 | justin.medernach@flextronics.com
| Greetings, | | We are discussing what should and what should not be baked and vacuum packed. Should we just concentrate on the fine pitch packages and the bga's? | What about those components which come on blister tape, should they get baked and r
Industry News | 2012-01-21 17:15:20.0
Seika Machinery will showcase its proven, advanced machinery in Booth #2401 at the upcoming IPC APEX Expo.
Humitector™ Type 2 Humidity Indicator Card, used together with a Desi Pak® desiccant, can help provide a complete history of a dry pack environment for moisture sensitive surface mount devices (SMD's) (MSD - moisture sensitive
| https://pcbasupplies.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/MSDS-BC-10.pdf
. BC-10-28G MSDS - Page 1 of 3 Kwun Tong , Kowloon Hong Kong Material Safety Datasheet 1. Product and Company Identification Thermaltronics (HK
Imagineering, Inc. | https://www.pcbnet.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-moisture-sensitive-devices-msds/
. Thankfully, steps can be taken to reduce the expenses that can be incurred with MSDs, allowing you to minimize the costs of ruined batches and lower yields