Industry Directory: nano slic (1)


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

FP Stencil Sdn. Bhd. is principally involved in the manufacture and sale of laser-cut metal surface- mount technology (SMT) stencils. Our products comprise of PCB stencils, wafer stencils, mini stencils, & accessories.

New SMT Equipment: nano slic (3)

NanoSlic™ Gold Stencils

NanoSlic™ Gold Stencils

New Equipment | Printing

NanoSlic™ Gold is our top of the line spray on coating applied to our UltraSlic™ solder paste stencil, which gives previously unseen performance benefits in transfer efficiency. The NanoSlic™ Gold coating also gives the benefits of improved under-ste

Fine Line Stencil, Inc.

NanoSlic Gold Stencil Coating

NanoSlic Gold Stencil Coating

New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils

MET Stencil announces a new sprayed on baked on coating called NanoSlic Gold. We are currently offering a no charge sample to all of our new, and existing customers. Using advanced polymer chemistry, this coating has been developed to address the inc

MET Stencil

Electronics Forum: nano slic (1)

Stencil nano coating worn out

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 10 14:49:20 EST 2020 | emeto

Steve I did investigate the transparent nano coat before for performance. We examined 3 different assemblies based in design criteria. In more simplistic designs it is not worth having it. On more challenging designs it is worth. It proved to have be

Industry News: nano slic (33)

MET Stencil Launches NanoSlic® Gold coated Stencil

Industry News | 2016-02-10 17:03:46.0

MET Stencil announces the launch of the NanoSlic® Gold stencil. NanoSlic® is the world's most advanced stencil coating technology for improving solder paste printing. "We are pleased to announce that we have been licensed by FCT Assembly to sell this coating to the US market.” said Fred Cox, President of MET Stencil. "Stencil users will immediately see the benefits in their print."

MET Stencil

FCT Assembly Launches NanoSlic® Gold Stencil

Industry News | 2014-01-22 11:00:42.0

FCT Assembly announces the launch of the NanoSlic® Gold stencil. NanoSlic® is the world’s most advanced stencil technology for solder paste printing.


Videos: nano slic (1)

Hydrophobic Surfaces

Hydrophobic Surfaces


NanoSlic™ Gold is our top of the line spray on coating applied to our UltraSlic™ solder paste stencil, which gives previously unseen performance benefits in transfer efficiency. The NanoSlic™ Gold coating also gives the benefits of improved under-ste

Fine Line Stencil, Inc.

Express Newsletter: nano slic (48)

SMTnet Express - November 26, 2017

SMTnet Express, November 26, 2017, Subscribers: 30,955, Companies: 13,080, Users: 23,968 Can Nano-Coatings Really Improve Stencil Performance? Tony Lentz; FCT ASSEMBLY, INC. Nano-coatings have been introduced by various manufacturers

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