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Zetech was established in 1986 with the intention of supplying Industrial Equipment, Manufacturing Equipment, Consumable Materials, Software and Technical Support to the Electronics and Manufacturing Industry in South Africa.
New Equipment | Test Equipment
Tebo-ICT is a kind of very professional ICT and ATE fixture software. Chinese interface, designed in humanity, compatible with Win98/2000/NT/XP/7/10 system, which is easy to operate and train. It can cope with all kinds of GERBER and buried via, posi
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 15 23:49:42 EDT 2014 | padawanlinuxero
Rob, I couldn't write it better, really sometimes we mess up a pristine surface mounted pcb with the nasty ol'flux, but anyway a flying probe is that a set of needles touching a pristine surface of a pcb, to test different components, try in youtube
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 05:30:30 EDT 2018 | teresat2
I guess these boards only used Fly test. Flying needle test is one of the methods to check the electrical function of PCB (short circuit test). The flight test machine is a system for testing PCB in a manufacturing environment. Instead of using the
Industry News | 2008-07-24 17:41:10.0
Asymtek introduces its new DispenseJet DJ-9500 fluid jetting valve for high-speed underfill applications and jetting silicone for LEDs.
Industry News | 2008-10-13 01:02:13.0
October 2008 � atg Luther & Maelzer GmbH, in cooperation with the Capital Equipment Group (CEG) of Everett Charles Technologies introduces a test protocol called ''4-wire (Kelvin)''. The 4-wire-test has long been a selectable option in the newest flying probe testers from atg-LM, A6 and A5 models.
“The Ultimate Probing Machine”. Ultra Fast full Function Patented Double-sided, Closed Loop 22-probe System, All probes are Analog, Digital, Boundary Scan, and Vectorless Test enabled. Use it In-Line or manual operation with AOI capabilities. The
GPD Global |
Syringe & Plunger, 10 cc 10/4231 1 10 Allen Wrench Kit 10/3452 1 11 Spanner Wrench 22142029 1 12 5.5 mm Wrench 10/3356 1 13 Bellows Coupler D1528 1 14 Taper Tips Needle Kit 10/4783 1 15 Syringe Nose Support, Small 22203656 1 H Revision Notes A 12/20/10