Industry Directory: nico (2)


Industry Directory | Other

Processor and distributor of ferrous and nonferrous material for semiconductor and hard drive

Union Steel Industry Co., Ltd.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Union Steel Industry Co., Ltd as member of United Steel Industry Group, specialized in steel pipe and pipe fittings designing, manufacturing, stocking and exporting in China.

New SMT Equipment: nico (4)

Electronics Forum: nico (7)

Chosing ENIG vs OSP

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 04 01:48:34 EDT 2009 | nibirta

yes, i know this part, and you are right. Tk you once again, Nico

Re: BGA problem: open after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 17:36:37 EST 2000 | Thomas Ballhausen

Thank you for your hint. According to the substrate supplier the thickness is less than 1 micron. After Ni/Co layer there is water rinse, then "gold strike", another rinse then "gold plating". But still the total Au layer shall be less than 1 micron

Industry News: nico (14)

IPC & SMTA Announce Session 2 of High-Rel Cleaning & Conformal Coating Conference

Industry News | 2018-10-18 19:57:48.0

Industry-leading associations IPC and SMTA jointly announce the High-Reliability Cleaning and Conformal Coating Conference, scheduled to take place November 13-15, 2018 at Chicago Marriott, Schaumburg, Illinois. The conference is focused on the cleanliness of highly dense electronic assemblies to achieve quality and reliability within the stated in-field environment.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Bangkok Events to Focus on Solderability, Assembly and Reliability Workshop and free technical conference scheduled for November

Industry News | 2013-10-01 18:16:06.0

A dozen experts from organizations in Asia, Europe and North America will present strategies for enhancing reliability in electronics assemblies on 19–20 November in Bangkok.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Parts & Supplies: nico (11)

Fuji Tray Unit-M

Fuji Tray Unit-M

Parts & Supplies | Coating and Encapsulation

Tray Unit-M The Tray Unit-M is set on a feeder pallet This unit cann be set on M6II, M6IISP, M6(S) modules and the AIM. Tray Size(L*W) Without tray drawer: 135.9*115.5 to 135.9*322.6mm With tray drawe:50*50 to 102*204mm Maximum part type capa

Extension Electromechanical equipment HK Co.,Ltd

Fuji Tray Unit-M

Fuji Tray Unit-M

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Tray Unit-M The Tray Unit-M is set on a feeder pallet This unit cann be set on M6II, M6IISP, M6(S) modules and the AIM. Tray Size(L*W) Without tray drawer: 135.9*115.5 to 135.9*322.6mm With tray drawe:50*50 to 102*204mm Maximum part type capa

Extension Electromechanical equipment HK Co.,Ltd

Videos: nico (2)

Worldway ElectronicsPrimeira escolha da solução de cadeia de fornecimento & One-Stop Purchasing para EMS / OEM.


Sobre nós Perfil da empresa Worldway, uma distribuidora de eletrônicos famosa e competitiva na Ásia, também é um excelente parceiro estratégico para a EMS OEM encontrar rapidamente componentes eletrôni

Worldway Electronics Limited

Worldway ElectronicsPrimera opción de solución de cadena de suministro & Compra única para EMS / OEM.


Sobre nosotros Perfil de la empresa Worldway , un distribuidor de electrónica famoso y competitivo en Asia, también es un excelente socio estratégico para EMS OEM para encontrar rápidamente componentes electró

Worldway Electronics Limited

Partner Websites: nico (7)

nico searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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