Electronics Forum: nipdau on niau (20)

Solderability Problem on NiPdAu

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 12 12:45:56 EDT 2010 | tony1

Hi there, does anyone experience in NiPdAu solderability dip & look test? I experiencing solder non wet issue on side I/O & also center ground for QFN package. Appreciate someone can offer me a solution. Thanks

Info on OSP PCB�s

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 13:41:06 EDT 2001 | bentzen

Thanks a lot Dave. I think I will stay away from OSP. I just thought that it could be a cheaper solution than NiAU for fine pitch. And I don�t trust the silver coating types. Brian

Industry News: nipdau on niau (5)

FCT Assembly Develops Anti-tombstoning Paste Formulation

Industry News | 2014-02-03 14:13:04.0

FCT Assembly is pleased to announce that it now offers a variety of anti-tombstoning solder pastes as an option with each of its solder paste fluxes.


FCT Assembly Introduces NL930PT Pin Probable Solder Paste

Industry News | 2010-03-22 13:14:36.0

GREELEY, CO — FCT Assembly introduces its NL930PT no-clean, lead-free, halide-free pin probable solder paste. The product is unique in that it is a clear residue paste that can print down to low surface area ratios consistently. Combined with SN100C, this solder paste produces the most cosmetically appealing solder joint available on the market.


Technical Library: nipdau on niau (4)

The Morphology Evolution and Voiding of Solder Joints on QFN Central Pads with a Ni/Au Finish

Technical Library | 2012-10-18 21:58:51.0

First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings. In this paper, we report on a comprehensive study regarding the morphology evolution and voiding of SnAgCu solder joints on the central pad of two different packages – QFN and an Agilent package called TOPS – on PCBs with a Ni/Au surface finish.

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Factors That Influence Side-Wetting Performance on IC Terminals

Technical Library | 2023-08-04 15:27:30.0

A designed experiment evaluated the influence of several variables on appearance and strength of Pb-free solder joints. Components, with leads finished with nickel-palladium-gold (NiPdAu), were used from Texas Instruments (TI) and two other integrated circuit suppliers. Pb-free solder paste used was tin-silver-copper (SnAgCu) alloy. Variables were printed wiring board (PWB) pad size/stencil aperture (the pad finish was consistent; electrolysis Ni/immersion Au), reflow atmosphere, reflow temperature, Pd thickness in the NiPdAu finish, and thermal aging. Height of solder wetting to component lead sides was measured for both ceramic plate and PWB soldering. A third response was solder joint strength; a "lead pull" test determined the maximum force needed to pull the component lead from the PWB. This paper presents a statistical analysis of the designed experiment. Reflow atmosphere and pad size/stencil aperture have the greatest contribution to the height of lead side wetting. Reflow temperature, palladium thickness, and preconditioning had very little impact on side-wetting height. For lead pull, variance in the data was relatively small and the factors tested had little impact.

Texas Instruments

Express Newsletter: nipdau on niau (10)

The Morphology Evolution and Voiding of Solder Joints on QFN Central Pads with a Ni/Au Finish

The Morphology Evolution and Voiding of Solder Joints on QFN Central Pads with a Ni/Au Finish SMTnet Express October 19, 2012, Subscribers: 25598, Members: Companies: 9011, Users: 33828 The Morphology Evolution and Voiding of Solder Joints on QFN

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