Industry Directory: odb centroid (1)

SlingShot Assembly

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We help engineers frustrated by the slow and burdensome process of getting prototype and low-volume production PCB assemblies built quickly and at a great price.

New SMT Equipment: odb centroid (2)

GC-PowerPlace™ - Create Pick and Place, ICT, AOI Programs from Gerber

GC-PowerPlace™ - Create Pick and Place, ICT, AOI Programs from Gerber

New Equipment | Software

Graphical CAM software for captive and contract PCB assemblers. GC-PowerPlace accepts Gerber data along with an ASCII BOM file to create and verify assembly equipment programs off-line. Centroids are extracted with sub-micron precision. It can also c


FAB 3000 V7 - CAM Software Solution

FAB 3000 V7 - CAM Software Solution

New Equipment | Software

Run Advanced DRC/DFM Checks, Panelize multiple PCB Designs, Generate Cenroid Files, Netlist Comparison, Import/Export Gerber's, ODB++, DXF, DWG and more 1 CAM Tool - With 100's of Solutions. Plus it's Affordable! A "Full-Featured" CAM software pac

Numerical Innovations

Electronics Forum: odb centroid (6)

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 15:16:35 EST 2014 | jlawson

Gerber in general is not best data set for assembly, alot of processing has to be done, manually or via software tools, all with their nice features, but as you state there is no actual datum XY , pin 1 , rotation references thus has to be 'generated

what software is out there that will extract XY centroid from gerber data?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 09:39:56 EST 2014 | spoiltforchoice this does, I had a dabble and while it does seem quite capable the learning curve is quite steep and I'd wager the price is too. As with GCPrevue, the user interface is hardly what you would call streamlined or

Industry News: odb centroid (2)

6 Things to Check Before Submitting Your PCB Design for Manufacturing

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:23:54.0

6 Things to Check Before Submitting Your PCB Design for Manufacturing

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

What Design Files Are Necessary for PCB Manufacturing & Assembly?

Industry News | 2018-10-18 11:01:38.0

What Design Files Are Necessary for PCB Manufacturing & Assembly?

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Express Newsletter: odb centroid (6)

Partner Websites: odb centroid (13)

Importing PCB CAD, Gerber, XY Rotation, BOM Files, etc. GENCAD, ODB++, IPC-2581, IPC-D-356, etc. | U


Importing PCB CAD, Gerber, XY Rotation, BOM Files, etc. GENCAD, ODB++, IPC-2581, IPC-D-356, etc. | Unisoft ≡ Menu Skip navigation For over 35 years, Intelligent PCB Manufacturing Automation Software Be production ready in minutes, not days

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